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Everything posted by nickxk

  1. I just got back from the visit at Michigan. While I will not be attending a PhD and will be getting my MA first, I was told I got the Rackham Merit Award and so I have tuition covered with a nice stipend! Out of 200 people who applied, seventy were accepted across all international MAs, 8 were nominated for the award, but only I and one other person got it, so I feel very grateful and lucky!
  2. And to you as well! I’m feeling pretty good with the letter Michigan sent me for the MA, from my experience there as an undergrad, they really do have good funding opportunities at all levels of education and seem to imply that they have well funded travel and research stipends too. This will prepare me well for a PhD!
  3. PhD for both but MAs are a possibility for both too!
  4. Results from Michigan MA! Accepted with two shots at full funding through their graduate school merit scholarship or FLAS! No words from Columbia or Arizona yet!
  5. That’s reassuring! If I can get good funding I’ll be happy to get the MA. I can work further on my Arabic, and get certified for French and Farsi proficiency. I had authorship on research in critical discourse studies but I bet I can get more research and (maybe, as a 320 isn’t bad) retry the GRE! Still an alternate for FLAS funding at Texas and awaiting news for Michigan MA- though I feel very confident on it! Congrats on Brown, very cool!
  6. That seems like a good idea. I’m now realizing in this field that getting the MA before jumping to the PhD is a lot more common than I thought and so I kind of regret applying to mostly PhDs. I think I’ll either be at Texas or Michigan or MES/MENAS MA. The silver lining is I know what to work on and how to make my application really good two years from now!
  7. Michigan MES PhD rejections are out.
  8. Wondering the same thing. As I’ve seen noting of CMES+History But History + MES has rejections. I also don’t have an MA yet.
  9. When does one assume a waitlist? I have not heard back from anywhere except for the Texas MA (will know about Michigan MA soon) but have not heard anything definitive at all from any of my PhD apps.
  10. My area of interest has to do with discourse and the interactions between Islamist and western ideologies such as liberalism, Marxism, etc with an emphasis on 20th century movements in the Levant. How did ‘ulema contend with ideologies from a different tradition of thought from their own? How did Syrian, Lebanese, and Iraqi communists and nationalists co-opt elements of Islamic thought? As such, my school choices deal much more heavily in critical studies.
  11. I saw that someone got waitlisted at Arizona but I have seen no rejections or acceptances but I'm assuming I'll be rejected (that's the usual order but I've seen the opposite order on occasion). Weird that no one seems to list Arizona in the results compared to other schools when it supposedly has a large program. Perhaps they'll recommend me to the MA program instead as those acceptances go out later? I know that PhD admissions are a crapshoot but I'm probably going to have to go for the MA before the PhD at this point which is really the standard order of things anyhow in Middle Eastern Studies, it would seem. Some fields have a much higher BA-> PhD rate than BA->MA->PhD and I'm noticing A LOT more people who already have an MA. If the MA is the way I'll head, I might prefer to go back to my alma mater as they have a lot of funding opportunities and it's in-state tuition. Unfortunately in America price is a huge consideration if one doesn't get a funded PhD spot.
  12. I really had assumed I’d hear a lot more (whether rejections, waitlist, maybe some acceptances) by now.
  13. Still radio silence elsewhere, but I just received news that I am an alternate for FLAS funding at Texas for their MA. Here's hoping I can get off that waitlist. If not, I have my in-state school that will likely accept me and another FLAS shot there, or I may still hear good news from one of the PhD programs.
  14. Still radio silence from most places that I applied but apparently only a couple of my schools do interviews. This wait is excruciating though.
  15. Anyone hear anything from Arizona yet? I saw that someone got accepted into the MA, but it was marked as ‘S19’ and I haven’t seen any other responses including acceptances or rejections for Fall PhD OR MA.
  16. Agreed, keep your head up. A lot of NES/NELC/MES programs are late relative to other programs. Chicago and Texas are one of the few I can think of where PhDs are announced around this time. Plus, if you’re doing an MA, you may not know until March with some schools- that’s when Michigan’s MENAS MA usually decides, for example. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we’re all pretty darn qualified for these programs. We pretty much have years of research and/or language experience with multiple languages, awards, honors, etc. It can come down to luck or relationships or an AdCom having some issue with minutae in a personal statement. Don’t undersell yourself or feel bad for a minute! I sincerely believe you’ll get good news somewhere!
  17. Texas just sent out their decisions for the MA program. I got in! Not too shocked or surprised as my stats were above average for admitted students, but it's a relief to get a response from somewhere!
  18. @samaasl, no, I don’t think I made it. Best of luck to the both of you! I assume that the email came through the program director, Mr. LaRegina?
  19. @samaasl, no, did you? I assume it may take a day or two unless you heard back. If invited go out today it’ll likely be later tonight as I imagine their meeting is when all on the adcom is available. But, things can always take a day or two to go through the department or make proper arrangements.
  20. I think I'm just happy to know that I'm not an immediate rejection. Maybe it means I have a good shot down the line even if I don't get into any PhD programs and go with an MA. I feel like I'm on the periphery of having good and excellent credentials and to be a contender for top programs, but it feels like everyone I'm applying with to these programs has perfect 4.0s, GREs, and could speak ten languages from birth AND is/was a president of a small country. And I'm just here like "I'm kinda smart, I think."
  21. Haykel. I think that they usually cut the interviews down to 1/3rd of applicants but it may be that an abnormal amount of people applied. I'm kind of anxious about the prospect of a harrowing interview, but it makes sense: we're a bunch of qualified nerds but the school is tiny. I'm sure they'd love to have a lot of us but just don't have resources. IsA indeed!
  22. I think the interview went well. He said he liked my application, and it seems like he likes me. They meet Monday to send out interview invites. 75 applied to the program and 12-15 will get interview invites AT Princeton.
  23. I'll be speaking with him in about fifteen minutes. @samaasl, I think the come to campus interview days are around March 2nd this year, which would make sense if invites go out about a week from now. My heart feels like it's in my throat right now. This seems somewhat short-notice but I'm very grateful for the opportunity and don't want to blow it.
  24. I'm very excited. I was chatting with a POI over email and he offered to speak over the phone. Princeton. However, I would not worry if anyone else applied to Princeton just yet. IIRC, they usually send out interview invites on the first Wednesday of the month, I hear. So, it'd be a week from now!
  25. Both are very good programs. Weather in Ann Arbor isn’t too horrible once you get used to it. If you want to go full-on Michigander you could just get a Carhartt and some insulated boots. It’s currently about -10 C in Ann Arbor. Biggest suggestion I have is remember to get a humidifier if you live here- the dryness is very acute in winter compared to the lakeshore.
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