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Posts posted by duyens

  1. 6 minutes ago, EastCoastPhoto said:

    They seem to do it early. I know someone who got their UDel acceptance a few hours ago via email, plus all of the three GrdCafe results show notifications going out within a week or so after 2/15, assuming the deadline has stayed static.

    Best of luck to you!

    Edit: Also, there was no interview. 

    Good to know! Thank you! I’ll keep an eye out for it. :) 


    4 minutes ago, nmelnicky said:

    When do you guys think we will start hearing from MICA or SAIC on admissions results?

    What dept. did you apply to? I think ppl from last year’s forum heard back from SAIC painting around March 1st. Altho so far, a few from SAIC fibers and another dept. have gotten admission notifications. I’m waiting to hear back from SAIC painting too. Not sure about MICA tho. 

  3. 45 minutes ago, TheRealHankHill said:

    Damn, just got rejected by UCI and I am starting to realize how much a blessing rejection is.  Getting comfortable with that seems like it'll be a super power.  Shout out to all those with rejection in their emails, gonna get bulletproof


    After getting ny 3rd rejection out of the 6 programs I applied to (and quiet a few rejections from various residencies I applied to last year), I totally agreed with you. It feels like a super power to take these rejections and not let them overwhelm/kill off your motivation to make work/continue your creative pursues. 

    To echo others’ comments, the wait is driving me a little insane each day but making new work is helping. We’ll get through this! :) 

  4. I got a rejection from Rutgers a day ago and got an interview invite from Hunter this morning. I haven’t heard from VCU (painting) yet tho a few ppl on here have mentioned receiving interview invites already. Anyone knows when UARK will send out their invites? 

    Hang in there, friends! :D

  5. 57 minutes ago, painting2019 said:

    What are you all doing to prep for interviews?

    I'm just printing out the list of interview questions from previous year's forum and make notes of my answers as a guide for myself. I'm v forgetful so it's good for me to have something to reference/look at. Also, read up about the program/school and the faculty. A friend is going to help practice the interview with me which I think will be helpful as well. 

    Good luck! 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Ais said:

    Mine also says it hasn't received one of the recommendations, but I got all three automated emails after they were submitted, tbh I don't think it's anything to worry about. I emailed during the week and got told everything was complete, so I'd say if you're missing something they'd have emailed :-D 

    Sorry I didn't mean to worry fellow Rutgers applicants! 

    No not at all! :) I appreciate it!  

  7. On 1/25/2019 at 9:00 PM, justaylor said:

    I’m living and teaching in Spain until August so the only interviews I will be able to do will be via Skype. I honestly do not think that it matters wether you are there in person or not. If you make an impact and have a successful interview it shouldn’t matter. Obviously I feel incredibly apprehensive about network issues but I’m going to go the extra mile to ensure I have an Ethernet connection and everything is in perfect working order. At the end of the day I know it’s about who I am not where I am. I feel confident in any platform and honestly almost more so via Skype because I have the comfort of my own home (sans pants?) just be your awesome self and I’m sure they will see it no matter what!

    Thanks for your reply! Things ended up working out for me to be there for an in-person interview. I'm hoping to tour the school and check out the city more over the interview weekend since I have never been before. Gonna make a nice trip out of it, and hopefully won't be too caught up in the stress of the interview. :D 

    Good luck with your interviews! 

  8. 20 hours ago, Ais said:

    Is anyone interviewing for Tyler (painting)/ meeting current students this coming Saturday? I've a Skype interview (international applicant), really nervous about it being a video call!

    Also any Rutgers applicants - got an email about checking my status on their applicant status page - have done so but it says no decision - I assume we will be rejected or invited to interview via email first? nervous incase I don't check the status page and miss an interview invite! 

    Thanks for your comment, Ais! I didn't realize there is a separate "check application status" portal until I saw your msg and went to google it. Saw that they're missing my official transcript too and somehow also one of my letter of recommendation, which is so strange since I'm v sure all my recommenders had submitted their letters to both the gen application and the slideroom portion. :( Emailed admission office to figure this out. 

    Has anyone had experience with this situation before? UARK did contact me a week ago bc they didn't have my official transcript there too and was told my application was forwarded to the appropriate dept after they received it. Now it's Rutgers. *sigh* :(  

  9. Hi! First time posting, long time lurker here! 

    I just heard back from SAIC (painting) for an interview in Feb. I'm a bit concerned about the travel costs for me altho I do live in the US so does anyone have any input/advice on skype vs in-person interviews? 

    Thanks! I hope more people will hear back from their schools soon! :) 


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