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statgolem_engineer's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I second this. Also, at Harvard, you can cross-register for courses at other schools such as Statistics and CS.
  2. Well, in general, public schools seem to be the cheapest and their RAships usually waive off some part of the tuition. The opposite is true for Ivies. I think you have a pretty strong profile. Make sure that you get a good quant score (at least 166) in the general GRE and to satisfy any requirements that the school may have like Calc 1-3 and Linear Algebra. My SOP read like a research statement and I got in, so I don't think it can hurt to have clear research interests as long as they are relevant. Also, do you intend to go for a Ph.D. after your Master's or industry? For the latter, you can consider borrowing from Prodigy etc. since Biostats jobs tend to pay fairly well.
  3. Hey, if funding is a concern, you should look at Vanderbilt University. They offer 70-80% tuition waiver and almost all students get assistantships. However, it's a highly selective program with only 4 people admitted each year. I would stay away from Ivies if I were you. They charge a bomb and RAships don't waive off tuition in-general. Regarding the universities in your list: 1. Harvard - I received a 37.5k scholarship from them but even then my cost of attendance is coming out to be around 60-70k. 2. UNC - There are plenty of assistantships available due to UNC being in the research triangle but I'm not sure about the tuition waiver part. I did not certainly receive any. 3. UMinn - It can be pretty cheap if you get assistantships. I think almost all your tuition is waived off if you work a certain number of hours as a TA/RA. Check out their financial aid page. 4. Columbia - Very limited scholarships and as expensive as Harvard (without scholarship). Also, it would be helpful if you mentioned your stats in your initial post along with your citizenship.
  4. Hey, I think you'd get better advice if you mentioned your background and research/work interests.
  5. Hey guys, here's my list: Harvard (SM. in Health Data Science): Accepted Brown (ScM Health Data Science): Pending
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