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Everything posted by MeganBee

  1. Awesome!!! Congrats!
  2. Thanks so much for your helpful insight! I appreciate you! Let me know if you continue to hear anything!
  3. It breaks my heart that I haven’t been called/contacted for an interview at NOAC. I’m so worried I might not get selected; this is the only school I was able to apply to location wise. Hoping for a miracle at this point. Lol.
  4. Hello! Did anyone get accepted without doing an interview, even if an interview is usually required? Also, will having my masters help any? Thank you in advance! I applied to NOAC for the Fall 2019 sequence.
  5. Oh, good! I wonder what all goes on during these meetings. lol.
  6. That's helpful, thank you! Maybe they will go over more applications or something like that, lol. I hate having to wait.
  7. You made me feel a lot better, thank you so much! Did she say anything about the applicant pool or decisions or anything? I'm still so nervous, lol. I appreciate your help!
  8. I'm so worried; I haven't heard anything : ( I really hope I get accepted somehow. We'll see! Thanks so much for getting back to me and good luck on your interview! If you hear anything else, please let me know : )
  9. Hello again! I just wanted to add this...this is Dr. MIller's response when I advised that I would not be able to attend visitation day: "After review of your application, should the admissions committee consider you for admission, they will contact you to schedule a Skype interview with members of the committee. Good luck, Dr. Miller "
  10. Hey everybody! Man is this website weird to navigate, lol. I haven't received an e-mail requesting an interview so I am freaking out. I believe you are asked for an interview if they are interested in your application and you were unable to attend visitation day, but I am no1 100% positive. I am nervous because I have a mediocre undergraduate GPA, but a pretty high graduate GPA so I'm hoping they will look at my Master's GPA instead of my undergrad but I'm not sure. Looking at past years, it seems like they start to announce acceptances at the beginning of March; but I really don't want to wait that long! lol! I have e-mailed Dr. Forbes at Kent way too many times so I don't want to her ask any more questions - but I really do have so many! I really wish everybody the best of luck! I hope we all get in! : )If you guys hear anything, let me know! Thanks in advance! : )
  11. Thanks so much for sharing, and congratulations on your interview! It did help Maybe they’ll find a place for me down the line...lol. HOPEFULLY! Ha.
  12. Hear anything from NOAC? Thanks
  13. (I’m assuming you meant the University of Akron, but I see that could be a different school your referring to now, lol)
  14. Hi there! Have you heard anything from U Of A (NOAC)? I think we’re supposed to know if we get accepted by early March, but still no word on an interview yet (I didn’t attend the visitation day last Friday). Thank you in advance!
  15. Hello! I only applied to one school, NOAC. I have my masters in public health with a 3.7 GPA; but my GRE scores are not that great because I only had 2 days to prepare (I was a late applicant). I did not attend the visitation day because I’ve attended classes KSU and the University of Akron, but have not heard anything about an interview yet. I hope I hear something soon! If anyone else who applied to NOAC hears anything, let me know! I can’t stand waiting - lol!
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