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Everything posted by madgey

  1. Congratulations! Did they notify you by mail? Or email?
  2. Awesome! Do they have good funding? I've heard mixed responses.
  3. Finally heard back from Concordia in Montreal for Sculpture. Waitlisted, which isn't terrible!
  4. Got my first acceptance to SAIC sculpture! Hoping for some scholarships to come through too...
  5. Ah, well darn it. I will assume that's a rejection then! thanks for the info
  6. madgey

    Yale MFA 2019

    Sure! Mine is at 10:50am. I have to drive back to the NJ airport around 2pm but would love to hang around with someone until then
  7. oh shiiiiiiiiiiit. i got nothing yet but i'm anxiously waiting. fingers crossed.
  8. Just got a rejection from University of Minnesota - Sculpture ?
  9. I am waiting on a response from both VCU and Concordia ? At least for sculpture at VCU I have heard you don't hear until mid-March. Not sure about Concordia.
  10. madgey

    Yale MFA 2019

    Yoooooo I have a Sculpture Interview on the 26th. Anyone know what we're in for, or what the interviews are like?
  11. I read somewhere online that VCU doesn't do interviews for Sculpture? And that they send out acceptances/rejections in the middle of March. It seems so far away!! I am waiting too.
  12. University of Texas (Sculpture) - Had interview last week University of Michigan (MFA) - Interview this week SAIC (Sculpture) - Interview is this weekend SAIC (Designed Objects) - Interview is this weekend University of Chicago (MFA) - Interview is next week Yale (Sculpture) - Interview at end of month Northwestern (MFA) - Rejected earlier this month University of Minnesota (Sculpture) - Haven't heard anything Hunter College (MFA) - Haven't heard anything Concordia (Sculpture) - Haven't heard anything VCU (Sculpture) - Haven't heard anything
  13. Anyone here have a Yale sculpture interview? ?Can't believe I got one but it sounds terrifying. You basically have to give an artist talk to all of the grad students and sculpture faculty.
  14. I have a University of Chicago interview this weekend, and had my U Mich interview earlier this week.
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