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  • Application Season
    2020 Fall

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  1. Did anyone hear back from Penn State? It seems they’re super late this year (or they just never told me I’m rejected lol
  2. Ah yes I got a rejection letter from northwestern too. Feelings are hurt but then again it was a stretch anyway
  3. Got my first official rejection letter earlier from UMSL. Good luck to everyone else who’s applying there! Actually still kinda bitter about this and I'm pretty sure it's just some sort of type 1 error but darn they dont seem very keen on accepting international applicants. Most of those getting accepted to whatever PhD program at UMSL are American with U.S. degrees, so, I dunno
  4. Haha heard back from MSU around the same time! Whew what a relief I finally don’t have to worry about not getting into any PhD program now! And MSU is one of my first choices!
  5. Not so sure about the AW score. The majority of social network pieces I’ve read are ethnographies so my opinion is biased - but 3.5 seems a little low. You have nothing to worry about though, like others said, if you’re aiming for programs w strong quant focus you should be fine. For TOEFL, what’s your speaking scores? If it’s 25+ you should do alright.
  6. O-H! I’m a buckeye too lol
  7. I was having the same question LOL Thanks!
  8. Already? I haven’t heard from MSU yet - did you apply to their soc program? also, wait, OSU has graduate Crim program now?
  9. Yo I got waitlisted by Rutgers too but for admission and for a different program (even skinnier chance of getting in I guess).
  10. Waitlisted by Rutgers. Imma about to cry lol
  11. Question. If Rutgers does not offer funding, will you actually consider going still? I mean, it’s NJ, it’s a pain to afford living there
  12. Dayum I forgot Amherst? I applied to Northwestern’s soc too, they’ve got J Hagan and A Papachristos so, pretty strong CCJ stuff too
  13. Totes. MSU’s a great fit for what I wanna do so... I’m also doing Rutgers PSU UMSL for their crim where else are you applying to?
  14. My profs told me these "objective measures" aren't that important so I went ahead with my suuuuuper low GRE scores (<320), guess I'm pretty much over. Based on the results board i think being international really isn't bad but if you have not studied in the US it might be an issue...
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