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Everything posted by HonestlyConfused

  1. I ranked poorly but all of my feedback was positive. Unsure how to proceed ?
  2. This wait is killing me!
  3. LOL yeah so I did SUPER badly and didn’t get it at all. But honestly I feel better after reading this forum. You guys are actually all super amazing and very accomplished and while I was a good applicant for med school... it obviously doesn’t stack up to you people. Congrats everyone!
  4. Do they usually release on the anticipated release day or does it fluctuate. I honestly hadn’t done any research on Vanier prior to beginning my actual application in the summer.
  5. Im an MD/PhD student that had my application forwarded to the national Vanier competition and honestly I am not handling my nerves very well. Thankfully med school is quite busy with coursework so I didn’t think about it a lot. However, the last two weeks of March are particularly dead for me (no imminent midterms or finals) so I am constantly wracked with worry. This wait feels worse than waiting for med acceptances. Do the results emails give any hints to your status or is it just a « check the portal for results » type thing? How are you guys coping with the anxiety?!?
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