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  1. If you feel like you will be working in Montessori environments, the certification will most definitely help. If you intend to seek work in public school systems, know that you may find yourself challenged between attempting to reconcile requirements and responsibilities dictated by the district with Montessori principles. From what I have seen, however, certs in Montessori typically come from private industry organizations rather than educational institutions, which instead may offer particular courses that mention Maria Montessori as part of or in a full chapter within a few courses rather than stand alone programs.
  2. The most up-to-date list of additional resources is in the relevant section of the World Index of Molecular Visualization Resources, //molvisindex.org//. Chemscape Chime from MDL Information Systems, Inc., allows rotating a molecular image within a Netscape page. Multiple molecules can be displayed within a single web page, unlike helper applications (such as RasMol) which display each molecule in a separate window. Chime also supports scripts (using a superset of the RasMol scripting language).
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