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  1. From my understanding, AuD programs don't pay for flights or accommodations. However, if you're a very qualified applicant that they really want at their school, and they have a budget for it, maybe? I think it may be a school-specific thing. I haven't heard of any of my friends who also applied to different AuD programs get their flights paid for, though. I understand your pain. I'm about to drop $500 on just plane tickets to attend my interviews. I'm just happy I have the interviews in the first place. ?
  2. Also, it seems I missed the edit window here - I stated that I do plan on lying about the reason for the F, but I absolutely do NOT want to do this. I feel like lying about it would make things worse for my situation, and I don't want the application committee to view me as a liar if directly asked about it.
  3. Hi all! So, I have been working so incredibly hard for the past four years to get into a graduate program for Audiology. I'll have stellar letters of recommendation, a pretty good GRE score, volunteer and work experience in the field, and a relatively good GPA. But, my spring semester of sophomore year of school was a rough one - without going into too much detail, I had lots of mental health issues and it overwhelmed most things in my life, and unfortunately, my grades during that semester suffered greatly. I made the grave mistake of using a previous paper I had written from an earlier semester and turned it in for one of the courses I took that semester. Since my school used an online database to check for plagiarism, it of course came back as partially plagiarized. Regardless of it being my own work, I was charged with academic dishonesty and was given an F in the course. To say that the rest of my semester was a disaster is a bit of an understatement; my GPA for that semester is FAR below what my GPA was in every other semester I had before that, and after it. To get to the point - I am absolutely horrified at the idea of telling future grad application panels the reason for my F. I do plan on lying about the reason for the F, but I also don't want all of my hard work to be overshadowed by this stain on my transcript. In the semesters following that horrible time, I only received A's and a few B's, so my GPA was able to rebound a bit. I just want to know if anyone has any experience with this, or any thoughts on it. I already realize that I messed up, so only helpful replies, please. Thank you all for any help or advice you may be able to provide.
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