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some person

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  1. I know the Indiana University Biotechnology Master's program (1 year, no thesis) would still consider US applications, if they were submitted soon (non-US students will have a difficult time due to visa timeline but it could be possible, especially for the Fall) I was a student hired out of the program and it's particularly useful if you are looking for a job in industry or otherwise need more lab experience than you already have. I'm not otherwise affiliated with the program and gain no benefit from you applying. Some highlights: You are guaranteed research experience for a year and there's multiple labs to choose from that work in different areas. One is a mass spectrometry/proteomics lab where you will learn many common proteomics techniques. Another is a microbiology lab (antibiotic resistance) with a PI who is pretty renowned in their field. There's some other labs that work with CRISPR and other things, but I know a bit less about them. You can generally work with any science related-lab on campus that will take you but there's a core set of labs that are guaranteed to take you. There's a pre-defined course schedule (6 credits of electives), but there's some flexibility if you want to substitute classes for other classes if it suits your interests better. For example, some students add some bioinformatics classes or analytical chemistry classes. Many students do get publications, but this is often up to the ambition of the student. Some want to go to industry where they want technique experience and some want to do PhDs where they want publications. It starts in mid-June, but if the timeline doesn't work out, you can probably start in the Fall instead. You can also attend part-time. You can also do a thesis, if you want, but that might require 2-years. GRE/GPA requirements can vary but I can tell you the interview (probably Skype) is far more important. I think GPA of 3.0+ or higher is preferred and I'm not even sure the GRE is required anymore, but you'll need to contact the graduate director to find out for sure. Your undergraduate major doesn't matter too much as there is a lab-training program in the summer session but it's presumed that you at least have some familiarity with science (molecular biology is the most helpful class and ideally a basic lab class). Students do very well with job placement and the students I know of that applied for PhD programs were accepted. Bloomington is a pretty nice city (liberal-leaning) with many nice outdoor activities (biking, lake, camping, etc.) nearby and a pretty active nightlife. It's an unfunded MS program so it's probably not for everyone but some of the labs often pay their students a wage (part time) depending on the circumstance (it's not guaranteed but I'd say roughly 50% of the students last year were paid a wage to work in their lab). Feel free to PM me if you have questions and I can help point you in the right direction if you're interested.
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