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Everything posted by envisciguy

  1. Also, does anyone know if Yale would match another school's aid or the difference I would pay in tuition? Duke gave me a bit less in funding, but I would still pay less tuition since Duke is cheaper. Any chance Yale would match that? I don't know if asking Yale's FA department to match would come off in a needy way.
  2. Well I actually applied as an MF candidate. On this forum since its the closest one I found to forestry. From what I understand, Yale has a more distinct and better funded Forestry school within its environment school, whereas Duke's forestry is less of a focus. It also seems like there are barely any stand alone MF candidates at Duke, which could be a good or bad thing. I also think I would prefer Durham to New Haven. Lots to consider.
  3. I just heard back from Duke about funding! Surprisingly got selected to be part of the Nicholas Scholars Cohort and got pretty much equivalent funding from Yale so, while I'm super grateful, this is going to be a really hard choice. Any advice? Didn't think I would get nearly as much from Duke.
  4. Got a combined need based and Merit Scholarship from Yale for $29k/year! Super happy that I can afford to go
  5. Wow that seems pretty generous. Have you been working for quite some time? Anxiously awaiting my FA.
  6. Accepted to YSE!! My heart is beating so fast right now haha
  7. embarrassing that I don't know this, but why does a mass email get delivered at different times to different people? Does it depend on geographic location?
  8. Just saw this too. If they’re done reviewing I don’t see why they would wait additional weeks to send results out. Fingers crossed!
  9. If someone here were to call admissions anonymously to ask about a release date… I think that would put us all at ease. I’m ecstatic that I got into Duke, but I don’t think funding will be great, so I’m hoping to hear soon from YSE!
  10. Hey everyone, I've been following this thread for a little while now and am wondering if it's likely that Duke will come out this week. In years past, it seems like Duke sent out results around this time or earlier.
  11. Hi everyone, After purportedly looking through almost all of the web pages related to Stanford ESS, I still haven't found the answer to my questions quite yet. So, I'm coming to the Grad Cafe for some advice. I'm currently finishing up my undergraduate degree in environmental science, and I've been deeply researching some programs like Stanford ESS and Yale F&ES. However, for Stanford in particular, I'm debating whether I should apply for an MS or PhD. I have research experience with two professors and had a research project last summer that culminated in a well-attended presentation. I was also told recently that my name will be included in the list of authors for a paper and book I am currently assisting in writing. My GPA probably puts me around the top 5% of my class at a top school with good grad placement. This summer, unfortunately, is still unclear due to COVID-19. All this being said, I had some questions about Stanford ESS specifically: 1) Is it even worth applying to the PhD program straight from undergrad? I have already identified some POIs but I have no idea if they will even consider taking on someone who's just attaining their bachelor's degree. 2) Would I be much better off applying to the MS program to gain more research experience before applying to PhD programs? 3) Also, in terms of a PhD degree, even though I'm coming from undergrad, is it expected that my research interests and subsequent dissertation topic are set in stone upon applying? I'm almost certain that I want to study ecological restoration and how climate change is influencing the ecology of vulnerable ecosystems, but, who knows, something during my time as a graduate student could rewrite my path. Sorry that this ended up being longer than anticipated, but any responses would be appreciated! Thanks
  12. Hey everyone, I am currently in the latter half of my time as an undergraduate student at my school, and I'm certain that I would like to perform original research in the realm of urbanization and its effects on the earth's climate via a PhD program. I've found a POI at Yale's school of Forestry and Environmental Studies and anticipate to apply to the PhD program during my last year of undergrad (among other programs, albeit this being my first choice). I am currently a research assistant in a relevant department within my school; particularly, my job consists mostly of literary searching rather than field studies. The professor under whom I work is well-known in his field, but I don't know how much merit that carries (chances are he knows the POI at Yale). I have a 3.9 GPA between my two majors and anticipate, based on my history of standardized testing, to place in the 97th-99th percentiles on the GRE. Regardless of that, I was wondering if applying to PhD programs straight from my undergraduate school would put me at a disadvantage when in a pool with those who have work experience or a master's degree (or both). In terms of being competitive for admission, would it be wise to find a job as a researcher after undergrad before applying to the program? In all honestly, I would like to apply to the program directly, but I don't know if it is realistically worth it. Also to note, the POI at Yale does take on undergraduate interns in the summer, so that might be something to investigate... not sure if that would increase my ultimate chances of admission, though. Thanks!!
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