Finally got the letter today! As a Canadian applying abroad, I was awarded "C" funding, meaning I can have the CGS if I stay in Canada or the regular scholarship if I follow the original intentions of my proposal at the American school. So glad it's all finally over!
I can't remember the info everyone was supposed to post, but here's the basics:
Program: beginning 1st year PhD in the fall
Letter: May 10 (3 business days after it was mailed, May 5)
Offered CGS (but will have to take the basic scholarship)
Score: 22/30
Field: Archaeology/Anthropology
I believe my GPA (4.0) and references were probably the major factors, as well as a "sexy" topic and the presige of the American school I applied to within my field. However, since they assume students may change topics or even schools (since they have provisions in case I pursue studies at a Canadian school) I don't know whether it's the project itself or simply the quality of the written proposal that gets judged, at least for those of us at the entry level. I've got a few conference presentations under my belt and had a paper under submission review when I applied.
I'm so psyched! 4 years of semi-worry-free study!
To move on to future worries: how important is it that I stay on the same topic I used to apply for the grant? I threw it together at the last minute to meet the deadline and it may not be viable, though I will try my best, but by the end of next year I may have gone off on a related but possibly less "sexy" tangent. What is the procedure for notifying SSHRC if you change your research focus?
Edited to add:
Forgot to mention I am in Alberta, so west coasters should get their letters tomorrow I imagine!