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Everything posted by archy_grad

  1. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    Finally got the letter today! As a Canadian applying abroad, I was awarded "C" funding, meaning I can have the CGS if I stay in Canada or the regular scholarship if I follow the original intentions of my proposal at the American school. So glad it's all finally over! I can't remember the info everyone was supposed to post, but here's the basics: Program: beginning 1st year PhD in the fall Letter: May 10 (3 business days after it was mailed, May 5) Offered CGS (but will have to take the basic scholarship) Score: 22/30 Field: Archaeology/Anthropology I believe my GPA (4.0) and references were probably the major factors, as well as a "sexy" topic and the presige of the American school I applied to within my field. However, since they assume students may change topics or even schools (since they have provisions in case I pursue studies at a Canadian school) I don't know whether it's the project itself or simply the quality of the written proposal that gets judged, at least for those of us at the entry level. I've got a few conference presentations under my belt and had a paper under submission review when I applied. I'm so psyched! 4 years of semi-worry-free study! To move on to future worries: how important is it that I stay on the same topic I used to apply for the grant? I threw it together at the last minute to meet the deadline and it may not be viable, though I will try my best, but by the end of next year I may have gone off on a related but possibly less "sexy" tangent. What is the procedure for notifying SSHRC if you change your research focus? Edited to add: Forgot to mention I am in Alberta, so west coasters should get their letters tomorrow I imagine!
  2. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    Well usually I would have gotten mail by this time in the day, when there is any, so I'm assuming I have to wait until Monday for sure. Edmonton. Are there any lurkers from Alberta here? I'd really love to hear when I might be able to expect something in this province since I don't have a grad department to hear thru. Edited to add: I'm also a little confused: when I got the news about my MA SSHRC in 2007, I heard directly rfom SSHRC through email before I heard anywhere else, told the department, and a few weeks later the department announced the results. I didn't get the letter in the mail for a month. Why is it different now?
  3. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    I'm going to repeat my question since I've checked the mail 4 times today and it doesn't even usually show up for another hour... Those of you who got responses directly from SSHRC, what email address did you send your question to? I haven't even gotten a response to say, "wait for the letter," I've gotten no response at all and it's been 2 days.
  4. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    I emailed SSHRC on Wednesday explaining that I needed the answer so I can send in my certification of finances (American school).. no response! My school is also waiting because they want to give me a TA ship if I don't get SSHRC. Those of you who got answers, where did you send the email? I am in Alberta and don't expect the letter until Monday or Tuesday *sob*
  5. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    Is saturday mail an Ontario/American thing? We don't get that here (Alberta).
  6. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    I'm hoping that since I didn't apply through a canadian university and don't have a department to tell me the results, they might be nice enough to send it thru email. Otherwise i'll be waiting until next week for sure...
  7. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    oh yeah, and congrats to the first positive result on the board! Let's take it as a good sign
  8. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    I've just emailed with as polite and ingratiating a request as possible. I've been getting government tax documents, and stats canada survey notices, in the mail all month. sheer torture every time I see the little canadian flag in the top corner of the envelope, only to realize it's yet another useless thing I am don't want to see! Even worse than bills!
  9. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    What? I thought they didn't give results out by email? Not sure if I am believing you.
  10. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    I have 3 presentations, only one at a "real" conference, and finally got my first publication confirmed 2 months after sending in the SSHRC application, so that sucked. But for next year, I will be ready! By the end of my PhD (which I'm starting in the fall) I hope to have at least 2 more "real" conference presentations, and 2-3 papers in good journals. They will probably all be co-authored though. I think that when the mail comes on any given day just depends on where you are in someone's mail route. I used to get mail around 10 every morning, now it's around 3 in the afternoon. I bet the ealiest is around 9:30-10 after they've picked up all their mail for the day and driven out to their route.
  11. archy_grad

    SSHRC 2010

    Well it's only supposed to take 2-3 days to mail a letter anywhere in Canada, right? The only problem is, how long will it take them to send out 8000 letters? I am at the end of the alphabet and on the west side of the country, so someone please post as soon as they get their letter, because then I will know mine is coming in 2 or 3 days! Just wondering... am I the only grad out there who's really worried that not being in law/business will affect my chances? It's hard to argue that archaeology is useful to Canada in a concrete sense. But I did get a SSHRC in my MA program, so who knows?
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