Hello! I graduated with my BA in Philosophy and a minor in German from an unknown state school this spring. Currently, I am applying to Philosophy PhDs and Art History PhDs. I have taken about 8 classes in art history, but did not major or minor in it because my school did not have a major/minor. I am interested in craft art, rural art, and folk art and the intersection of those with queerness. I am interested in programs that are more theoretical but where I can also get decent experience with museums because my long term goal is museum education. You might wonder, "Why not museum studies?" To that I say: I need funding and cannot find Museum Studies programs with any decent funding. I am concerned because I am applying from another field and I have a few questions:
1). My writing sample is a philosophy paper that talks about gender issues, but does not engage with art at all. I have art history papers that are several years old and not anywhere close in quality to my philosophy sample which I have been reworking for about 5 months. Will this hurt my chances? Would I be better off submitting a worse paper that deals with art?
2). Can anyone recommend schools with faculty working on craft art?
3). Am I competitive without a BA in Art History?