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  • Interests
    Philosophy, Epistemic Injustice, Care Ethics, Art History, Germany, Craft Art
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall

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  1. I got accepted to University of Minnesota for an Art History PhD (on the Minneapolis campus). My stipend is 20,000 a year (before taxes I think). I will be moving with my partner (who will be looking for work once we get there) and am looking for housing. We do not have a car. Any recommendations for neighborhoods to live in? Places to rent from? Places to avoid? Rent seems astronomically high so I am very worried about finding safe and affordable housing. Also any suggestions for employment for my partner (they are a recent film school graduate who also has a lot of baking experience)?
  2. Can anyone claim the Bryn Mawr admit? That is my top choice and I haven't heard anything, so that is making me worried.
  3. Hi! I do not know when we hear back. I am interested in Museums as my internship field. I graduated in May 2019 with my undergrad in Philosophy and a minor in German. I applied for Fulbright and am a semi-finalist. I am also applying for the USTA!
  4. I appreciate all of your feedback. I did decide to use an art history paper, but I am moving forward with applying to both Philosophy and Art History. I am hoping it will work out like it did for Glasperlenspieler and the admissions decisions will help me decide. And all of you are right, it has been twice as much work!
  5. I applied this year! Do you know when we hear back about it? I remember it being sometime in December. What internship field are you interested in? What is your background? Did you apply for any other fellowships (fulbright or USTA Austria)?
  6. Is anyone applying for USTA Austria this year or in previous years? I have looked all over the internet for sample personal statements for this and I can't find anything. Hoping one of you out there has one that you might be willing to share with me (over the message system) or have any advice. Thanks!
  7. A lot of the admissions pages for philosophy PhD programs say that all materials need to be received by the deadline in order for the application to be considered. One of the schools I am applying to is due on the 5th of this month. I just realized that they only accept hard copies of transcripts, not the instant electronic copies. This means there is the possibility that my transcript will not get there by the 5th as I am just ordering it today. Does anyone know if they just toss out your application if the transcript is not there on time? Is there anything I can do about this?
  8. Hello! I graduated with my BA in Philosophy and a minor in German from an unknown state school this spring. Currently, I am applying to Philosophy PhDs and Art History PhDs. I have taken about 8 classes in art history, but did not major or minor in it because my school did not have a major/minor. I am interested in craft art, rural art, and folk art and the intersection of those with queerness. I am interested in programs that are more theoretical but where I can also get decent experience with museums because my long term goal is museum education. You might wonder, "Why not museum studies?" To that I say: I need funding and cannot find Museum Studies programs with any decent funding. I am concerned because I am applying from another field and I have a few questions: 1). My writing sample is a philosophy paper that talks about gender issues, but does not engage with art at all. I have art history papers that are several years old and not anywhere close in quality to my philosophy sample which I have been reworking for about 5 months. Will this hurt my chances? Would I be better off submitting a worse paper that deals with art? 2). Can anyone recommend schools with faculty working on craft art? 3). Am I competitive without a BA in Art History?
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