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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thank you all for the responses! What would be my chances of getting into a reputable Epidemiology program given that I complete my Masters? Would admissions in an Epidemiology PhD program perhaps be less competitive (at a school like Columbia or CUNY in New York) with my stats and continued research experience as a Data Analyst (Clinical Research)? I also agree that my GPA will be a limiting factor to my applications. I will try best to compensate with a better GRE score.
  2. I am very interested in pursuing biostatistics PhD for this coming year (2020). I realize I have a low gpa score but have a strong research record/work experience to compensate. I would really appreciate honest feedback about my chances for graduate school this coming year given that I can get very strong LORs. Undergrad Institution: Top 10 LAC Major: Computer Science and Statistics GPA: 3.56 Student: Domestic POC, female Courses: Intro to Stat Modeling (A-), Intro Computer Science I (B+), Multivariable Calculus (A-), Intermediate Statistics (A-), Intro Computer Science II (B+), Linear Algebra (B-), Probability (B), Spatial Statistics (B+), Data Structures and Algorithms I (A-), Databases (A-), Theoretical Statistics (B+), Computer Systems (B+), Networks & Cryptography (A+), Data Structures and Algorithms II (B), Advanced Data Analysis (B+), Machine Learning (A-), Mobile Computing (B+). GRE: 161Q, 161 V, 4.5 Writing Applying to: QBS PhD Program at Dartmouth Ohio State University Drexel University George Washington University Rutgers Boston University UMASS University of Pittsburg UNC Chapel Hill Virginia Commonwealth University University of Maryland Vanderbilt University Emory University Brown University University of Pennsylvania
  3. Can someone please respond and provide feedback. Thank you!
  4. I am very interested in pursuing biostatistics PhD for this coming year (2020). I realize I have a low gpa score but have a strong research record/work experience to compensate. I would really appreciate honest feedback about my chances for graduate school this coming year given that I can get very strong LORs. Undergrad Institution: Top 10 LAC Major: Computer Science and Statistics GPA: 3.56 Student: Domestic POC, female Courses: Intro to Stat Modeling (A-), Intro Computer Science I (B+), Multivariable Calculus (A-), Intermediate Statistics (A-), Intro Computer Science II (B+), Linear Algebra (B-), Probability (B), Spatial Statistics (B+), Data Structures and Algorithms I (A-), Databases (A-), Theoretical Statistics (B+), Computer Systems (B+), Networks & Cryptography (A+), Data Structures and Algorithms II (B), Advanced Data Analysis (B+), Machine Learning (A-), Mobile Computing (B+). GRE: 161Q, 161 V, 4.5 Writing Research/Work Experience: Currently work as a Data Analyst at Columbia University Medical Center (a year), with having previously worked at IBM Watson Health as a Data Scientist (a year and a half). I have two research publications and have been working on multiple manuscripts and abstracts for conferences. I also participated in the Biostatistics Program for Underrepresented Students at Columbia University two summers in college. Applying to: QBS PhD Program at Dartmouth Ohio State University Drexel University George Washington University Rutgers Boston University UMASS University of Pittsburg UNC Chapel Hill Virginia Commonwealth University University of Maryland Vanderbilt University Emory University Brown University University of Pennsylvania
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