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Everything posted by nonamestudent

  1. Ok so I am a student at ECU and I recently learned that another student has never taken any of the courses at ECU yet she is a senior close to graduating. She was telling everyone at the party about paying people to take the entire class for her. I know it doesn't hold much weight without actual proof. I know one of the guys who has taken numerous courses for her as he is my roommate. The problem I have is if I were to anonymously report her would he also get penalized for him doing so because he is a student? I'm asking that because sadly I believe at some point she got a family member of mine to take courses for her also and he is at a community college and plans to apply at a university soon. So my question is if I were to report her would they get in trouble with her also? Would that hurt my family members chances of getting into a university? I know someone is probably thinking why does he want to report her. I want to report her because she hasn't earned a single part of that 3.9 gpa she constantly brags about having.
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