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Everything posted by alau

  1. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    The university decides. At Université de Montreal, it is every 1st day of the month. I know that sshrc gives them money twice in the year. SSHRC is pretty clear about that : accepting that your university manages the distribution is an absolute obligation.
  2. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    I just received my letter.
  3. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    I've just spent 200$ at the restaurant with my wife. Totally worth it. Congrats Jen. YAY. Had a lot of wine, g'night !
  4. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    17.5k makes a lot of sense though.
  5. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    To all of you still waiting for an answer (official or not), I am with you!
  6. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Keeping it Montreal a bit more.
  7. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    you should call !!!! See them as administrative intermediaries, not judges.
  8. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Oh man! I just called and spoke to the person responsible for my file.. he whispered "you shouldn't worry"... he did not refuse categorically to send me an electronic version, but lets say that implicitly he did not feel comfortable... even if he whispered the obvious. So I got funded OH DEE FREEKIN DAH! C'est l'heure de la bière ! I'll keep you up about the letter.
  9. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    When I called they said they couldn't give me any info or "they would lose their job"! I just don't get it.
  10. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    I just gave them a call trying to get my results... no dice.
  11. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Our forum use contradicts the system theories: the more there's information, less entropy there is. In here the more info you get, the more chaotic you feel!
  12. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    I received no letter from sshrc in the mail today. ARG!
  13. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    The mailman hasn't come yet.
  14. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    We received our e-mail almost at the same time ! Here we have it. I'll keep you informed about my result. I'm in communication at Université de Montréal. Ciao. AL
  15. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    I just got an answer from SSHRC. "Les résultats ont été postés le 20 mai. Vous pouvez vérifier avec votre département d'études supérieures plus tard cette après midi il vont probablement avoir reçu la liste de résultats." Translation : Results were posted May 20th (yesterday). [As of the availability of results at our university] You can verify with your department of grad studies this afternoon, they'll probably have received the result's list.
  16. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Did they tell you anything about the mailing process. I've been told earlier this week that the results would be mailed out this week. I wonder if they'll keep their word. AL
  17. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    In the case of Université de Montréal, they never did... even if I have excellent relations with the person responsible!
  18. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    They won't. They were clear in the e-mail they sent in February :
  19. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Attention Master students. Mathieu Laurin from SSHRC just confirmed by e-mail that "the results for J-A-Bombardier will be mailed out THIS week" ("Les résultats de maitrise seront envoyés cette semaine par la poste"). So within 2 weeks we all should know. In my case, if they mail it this friday latest I'll know by wednesday 26th for sure. Fingers crossed for all of you colleagues. AL
  20. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Results will be mailed out "around mid May".
  21. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    I agree. Overall the main point is to make it easy to understand. If you use jargon, explain. You need to make yourself clear. No second guessing. You should be able to read it in one shot without having any interrogations (what does he/she mean?). Its the main point : coherence, clarity and rigor.
  22. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    You are so right, my supervisor (I don't know the right translation, never thought about it... in french we say "directeur") is a reviewer for SSHRC for the regular grants. To write my application, I got help from another professor : it took me a month to get a version that was "acceptable". It actually works in 3 steps when you go through your school : Department committee, Faculty committee, SSHRC committee. My supervisor who gives up a week in march to supervise (he's a "full professor") told me that it his to his point of view the most fair way of reviewing he ever experienced (he's not biased, he got refused for 4 years in a row). They actually have to agree on the grades that are given and explain why. It is reviewed by more than one people and they got to agree on the big grades differences. It means that the whole committee the 12.5 were reviewed in agreed on the rank you were given : he was a special case that needed more reviewing. I suggest that some of you get some help for writing your application. It's a real subtle art. When they read it they shouldn't have to think twice. It's part of the sexyness they talk about so much. Hope it set things straight a little. AL
  23. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Thank you for sharing. I appreciate.
  24. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    That's correct. I haven't had an answer from SSHRC, I tried calling yesterday (around 4 pm ET) and there was no answer. I am still waiting for an answer to my e-mail sent to SSHRC (which specified that I would share the information so that less e-mails would be sent to them). Plus, I finally reached the person responsible for the scholarships at my department (a professor) - Communication, Université de Montréal -, and she did not know about the master students' results. Though I can confirm Ph D letters arrived in Montreal yesterday (friday). I'll keep you up. I feel like this board will soon "switch" to Master students concerns... and I am one "concerned guy". AL
  25. alau

    SSHRC 2010

    Academia isn't sexy, you have to be sexy! Though I got to understand the concept at some point... that's how you get $ !
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