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poetry in streets

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Everything posted by poetry in streets

  1. Hi all! I’m currently a senior in undergrad and am considering graduate programs in international development, but I am concerned about how competitive I will be. My undergrad majors are French and International Studies, and I have a 3.88 overall GPA (likely higher for my major GPA). However, I go to a public, in-state school. I’m not sure how great of a program it is overall, which has me concerned about my chances applying to higher-ranked programs. I haven’t taken the GRE yet; I plan to prepare for and take that next year, which will hopefully be a gap year teaching English in France. I guess my question is this — does the university my undergraduate degree from matter too much in masters admissions? I wrote an undergrad thesis, and will most likely be continuing that research next semester through an official research position. I am also a research assistant at one of my school’s satellite campuses in a position normally reserved for master’s students and do a lot of research in French, which is my second language. Does any of this experience matter, or will my undergrad university discount everything else? It’s in the top quarter of universities according to a list I found, but closer toward the quarter line if that matters. To me, I worry that it won’t be good enough to get into the top tier schools. I’m just feeling really unsure at this point, so any advice is appreciated, especially if someone knows how I can spin these facts to my advantage. Thanks if you’ve read this far!
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