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Everything posted by Dochinka96
are Iowa calls generally all on one day or staggered? I thought it was staggered, but if so...kind of strange that first ones tend to always happen the third monday of the month lol there is some algorithm here us peasants can never know
Its on the results page and someone posted in draft. Congrats to them!
Anyone else's anxiety especially bad today? Like I feel a sequel to Friday's Bloodbath coming on.
It’s been rough on you so early!!! Damn I was hoping for you as soon as I saw Cornell went out. So Sorry friend. Congrats to everyone else. I just haven’t been able to keep up with everyone’s news, the forum has gotten really active really fast.
Roses are red violets are blue rejections are also red at least the sky is blue I should have applied in Poetry
Roses are red Violets are blue Rejections Suck but I'm here for you ❤️
This Boise State bullshit is driving me nuts lol is it the same person???
I'm sorry @Ydrl. I know it sucks a lot. Strength, persistence and resilience here on out.
Hey folx, I just saw a Boise State Poetry Waitlist get posted. I applied for fiction...getting nervous. Seems early, and isn’t it a bit odd to send waitlists before acceptances? I was certain we would see acceptances/interviews first.
Last week, I had a dream that someone descended by umbrella A La Mary Poppins unto my desk at my day job and said, "I've been sent here to take you to the Iowa Writers Workshop." I should have mentioned this in my Statement of Purpose, that would have ensured admission.
I'm so glad for you! Go celebrate, well deserved.
I didn't mean to open up a can of worms haha I guess my understanding is that Brown and Alabama are highly experimental, very encouraging of cross-disciplinary stuff. I think thats amazing, but when I'm someone who is so traditionally literary (open minded, but literary) it seems unhelpful to apply there.
Looking back, I should be locked up for dropping one hundred dollars to apply to Brown. And It was one of the only schools that didn't give me a fee waiver. I have no idea why I did this when I'm so clearly not for them, and they aren't for me. lol oy vey....
I'm applying too! Finishing up PS this morning. Good luck to you. I hope you get in and I hope I get in, the odds of these two outcomes occurring are insanely slim, but I am genuine in my hope for the impossible lol
You made me smile just now!! So funny. I have high respect for people who say what they want, what they don't, and in doing so give people the best chance at showing their most sophisticated work and self.
I love BU: "A hint: those who write in flowery prose or overly-subjectively–that is, about dreams, memories, thoughts, states of mind–or who dwell obsessively on sensitive children may find themselves at a disadvantage."
Sending you a virtual hug. I’m sorry it’s not good news. Just one school though. Keep your head up high
Thanks so much @Ydrl and @litty. I hope so too, but its hard to imagine anyone earning a place at OSU and turning it down...has anyone even heard of that happening? The note was so kind and gratifying, but no, it did not say whether it was 'ranked.' The words used to describe the waitlist were 'very short and very selective.' Im sure it is ranked, but I didn't receive information about where I stand. I did send a note reiterating that should a spot open up, I would attend without hesitation. Thanks for the support. Ill be there for all your wins and losses, virtually at least....
Just got waitlisted at Ohio State! Feeling joy, gratitude, and hope (for other applications).
@Ydrl I felt the same. Congrats to that person! But it’s irrational to lose hope so soon. First of all, one phone call isn’t all phone calls and it’s no waiting lists. Second, it’s only one school, and one of the most competitive. This is only my first year applying, so I just keep telling myself...”maybe you just haven’t paid your dues yet.” We have to take everything as opportunity for growth as painful as potential rejection is. Sending you and all a big hug!
@rbr542 and @Ydrl, thanks for writing back. Yes, it's been hard not looking back due to editing creative work as well as borrowing some text for future SOPs. But the good news is, I've been able to solidly edit a lot of work as I go. I have applied to UIowa, UMichigan, Ohio State, U of Utah, Colorado State, Oregon State, Brown, and U of Montana. I cancelled applying to Columbia because....I think we all know why lol Over the coming days, I may apply to Wichita State, Boise State, Virginia Commonwealth, or BU, but likely not all four. If you have an opinion on these four schools do let me know! Do people share work on here via email for critical feedback? Is that a thing, or is it too invasive? Would love to offer the same to others. I feel like a poetry applicant and a fiction applicant doing it would make sense.
When I saw this kind of forum from last year I thought, "I shouldn't come on here. I should read a book instead. Going on a forum will make me more anxious." And then I realized I will be anxious no matter what. I saw just how much support everyone offers one another. Anyway, I was curious, now that the December/early January application cycle has come to a close: has anyone else looked back at their stuff and thought "I sound like I'm trying to be "insert established novelist here"? It's scary, really scary. It's probably not reality. It's probably Imposter Syndrome. But boy does it make me cringe. Also struggling with choosing what of the 50 page manuscript, used for places like Iowa, to select for places with a much smaller page limit? To totally cut a piece or two, or to cut weaker portions, keeping all? Sometimes I can't decide and so I think to just write something new two weeks before, but that's only when I've been drinking. Madness. Best of luck to all artists. We're doing the thing!!!