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Everything posted by aud2be98
Hey! I heard back from Rush on Jan 29 and I heard back from WashU on Feb 21. I also know that WashU sent their rejections out before they called people with acceptances. You can always check the results tab to see when people heard back and also what their stats were. I would just search "audiology rush" for example to find what you're looking for! And you could ask people on the audgradschool reddit as well!
Is anyone planning on attending WUSTL in the Fall?
I got an email from UF with their decision on March 6. I’m so sorry you’re having these issues! I hope they get fixed soon.
I don't know of any off the top of my head, but I would definitely take a look at ASHA EdFind. Schools post their accepted students average stats on it and you can see how you compare. https://find.asha.org/ed#sort=relevancy
I'm waiting to visit and get more information and hear about funding and then I will be accepting admission at one school before the deadline.
Okay thanks I haven't received an email and there's no update for me yet. Ugh this waiting game is so hard!
Wait what online portal? The applyweb one?
Hey! I was just waitlisted at Auburn as well and I went there for undergrad. I wouldn't feel down and out about it at all. I think you still have a really good chance of getting into one of those other schools! From my understanding, Auburn accepts very few people out right. I have heard of people having all sorts of backgrounds at different programs around the country. I know WashU has said that they are looking for a diverse class and I'm sure other programs are too! I hope that puts you at ease a little!
I applied to Florida. I have tried contacting them via email multiple times and they have never gotten back to me. I did receive an email confirming that my application was submitted right after I sent it in, but that was it.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I will definitely message you if I have anymore questions!
I noticed that in your signature it says you were accepted to both Rush and Northwestern. I was curious why you chose Rush over Northwestern in the end if you don't mind me asking? I'm personally trying to sort out which feels like a better fit for myself.
I think current students were informed within in the last week or so. What I have heard is that they are closing all of their programs that do not have a 75% profit or greater. So they are closing other programs like OT and some other programs too aside from Audiology.
Congratulations to you too! I didn't receive any information regrading financial offers either, but in the packet included on the acceptance email, they were saying to submit FAFSA asap so I'm assuming they are just waiting for people to get their FAFSA in so that they can give financial offers based on that. I also just looked on Rush's website. It says that 80% of all their students receive financial aid, but it looks like only their nursing school and medical school have merit based scholarships up for offer.
I received an email about the secondary application on January 15 and then was accepted via email today.
I just heard back from Rush today. I did receive an email from Northwestern saying that they had received my completed application, but that was it!
I'm also pretty unsure of when we will hear about interviews, but I feel like it will be late February/ early March. I know that they accept people around their spring break. I'm not sure about the whole GPA thing.
I thought this website was really helpful with preparing for the questions for the one interview I have had. All but one of the questions in my interview were listed on this site. https://saa.audiology.org/educational-opportunities/undergraduate-students/undergraduate-resources/applying-audiology-16
Hi! I'm so happy someone created this thread. I was looking through all the past ones and they looked like they were fun and was hoping one would be started for this application cycle. Nice to (virtually) meet all of you and good luck to you all!