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Everything posted by potter365

  1. Contacted them directly, informed that all invites went out early/mid Jan
  2. Got the email from counseling psych program that although I did a prelim phone interview I would not be continuing forward. I thought the talk went well but I now wonder if the rejection is based on something I said. Is this probably the case? Really bummed, kicking myself for a few things I said that were possibly miss-taken/misinterpreted: - they asked “what is the most difficult part of research for you” and I replied that I was unfamiliar with some tests but was a fast learner. - they have a specific population that they work with and I made clear I had a lot of interest in this population. I asked at one point if this would be who I worked with clinically and their response was that I was not tied to them for the clinical work. I now wonder if they think I didn’t want that pop even though I do. - asked my strength and I said I was very persistent and hard working, especially for things I find enjoyable. I said research is fun for me and so I could commit a lot of time to it. Not sure what else. He was so friendly, maybe I was just to comfortable. I wish I knew
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