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Everything posted by FutureAuD123456

  1. For Purdue, I received a form in the mail asking me to fill out more FAFSA stuff on their website. When I had my interview, they mentioned research/teaching positions are often not given out until your 2nd semester or 2nd year. Also, I have not heard anything regarding their virtual open house either!
  2. How much in loans are most of you planning on taking out for graduate school? What do you think is an "acceptable" amount?
  3. If by UNC you mean the one in Chapel Hill, I will hopefully be accepting! I am waiting to hear back about funding before fully committing. I think we are supposed to find out by March 15th. Have you heard anything yet?
  4. Has anyone heard about funding from Rush, University of Arizona, or Purdue?
  5. Hi! I am interviewing at UNC towards the end of the month. Any tips or pros/cons of the program? Thank you!!
  6. I'll be there February 8th!
  7. Hi everyone! This is probably a silly question, but what are you planning to wear to your interviews? I have a school that specifically stated to dress business formal, and other schools who did not say anything. I was thinking a nice skirt/jacket suit combo and heels, but I am not sure if this will be too formal for the schools that didn't specifically state how to dress? I applied to: Rush (accepted), Central Michigan University (attending the interview/open house), UNC Chapel Hill (attending the interview/open house), University of Nebraska (have not heard anything), University of Utah (Skype interview), and Pacific University in Oregon (attending the interview/open house).
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