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Everything posted by campbellinengland

  1. Oh thank you for this insight! I do agree that there seems to be a lot of positive momentum. The bubble and being disconnected from other art hotspots does concern me...but it isn't unsurmountable. Plus the bike-ability and quality of life for my dog is a winning factor!
  2. Thank you for all of the feedback so far! I hope this discussion is helpful to others besides myself! I actually feel a stronger connection with the faculty at RISD...but its not strong enough to be a clear deciding factor. And I did indeed reach out to RISD about negotiating the funding...to no avail. Time for creativity is a big factor and UW Madison definitely wins there.
  3. What would you choose? Vote please!! -RISD-Photo with 75% funding with options for small assistantships and TA positions to help with some cost. (but nothing for living expenses). would plan to take out 20k-40k in student loans depending on how much I could make in the summers. -UW-Madison-Studio Art with free tuition, healthcare, and $1800/month living stipend for 20 hours/week TA. Its a 3 year program which I really like. Ultimate goal is to teach some now or in the future (but not a tenure track) but also work as a creative director or similar while showing my own environmental work. I am more interdisciplinary than straight photo. I have 30k in undergrad debt already. My big question is if the connections made through RISD would help offset the cost ultimately? If a degree from RISD is really seen that superior to state schools and would thus land me more lucrative jobs (if I work hard of course)? Also...turned down a position for Pratt photo this week so hopefully someone will hear soon!
  4. I've also been accepted to RISD with a generous funding package, but would still end up being 25k in student loans to cover living expenses the uncovered tuition for the two year program. I was also accepted to a state school with full funding and a TAship that would provide at least $1800/month in a living stipend (and healthcare!). As someone who already has debt from undergrad and no real financial safety net. I will most likely choose the state school even though I like RISD's program better. The reality of money as an artist is very real to me and while I have no problem living on the cheap....I know that my time at RISD would be stressful because of the added debt and would make transition after grad school even harder. Just my two thoughts. I think RISD is a wonderful program but my biggest concern is the bubble of wealth it creates. I also am interested in teaching and thus going to an R1 state school is a great option.
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