Previous Schools (Name, type, or tier): Stanford University
Previous Degrees and GPA's: BA International Relations 3.72
GRE Scores (Verbal/Quantitative/Analytical Writing): 720/730/4.5
Previous Work Experience (Years, Type): Fulbright fellowship, internships at thinktank, news organization, democratic development organization
Math/Econ Background: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Statistics (Post-Calc), Basic and intermediate econ
Foreign Language Background: Chinese, basic French
Intended Field of Study in Grad School: Masters in International Relations
Long Term Professional Goals: political development, human rights
Schools Applied to & Results: Accepted to SIPA ($20K), SAIS ($57K), Georgetown ($?). Rejected from Princeton WWS
Ultimate Decision & Why: Probably SAIS because of the funding, though it is going to be a really tough decision!