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Everything posted by margzie

  1. Hi All, I'm currently finishing my third year of undergrad and I'm feeling ill prepared for applying to grad school. I've seen this on a lot of threads so I thought I'd give what information I have and ask for any and all advise on what my next steps should be. Undergrad Institution (approx. rank/reputation in STEM): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (#11 in the south) Major(s): Mechanical Engineering Minor(s): High Performance Vehicles, Computational Mathematics GPA in Major: 3.01/4.00 Overall GPA: 3.36/4.00 Demographics/Background: White, middle class, first gen college student GRE Scores: haven't taken yet. Plan to take in next couple months. Q: xxx (xx%) V: xxx (xx%) W: x.x (xx%) LOR: I have several options, especially from those professors I do/have done research with and who have had me as a student as well. Research Experience: Statistical analysis on biodiversity in the Grand Canyon in high school, nanomaterials research in my first two years of college, and currently I'm working on soft robotics. I'm thinking about submitting a grant proposal to fund research into powering soft robots but I've been discouraged as it will be my last year of undergrad. Publications/Abstracts/Presentations: “Instrumentation in Flexible Robotics and Its Applications” National Conference of Undergraduate Research Presentation at Conference and Publication in Journal 2020 "Non-covalent Functionalization: Surface Modification of the Sp2 Network of Carbonaceous Nanomaterials-Effective Measure for Aircraft De-icing?” National Conference of Undergraduate Research Presentation at Conference 2019 “A Study on the Gila cypha population and pH” BASIS Flagstaff Senior Project Public presentation 2017 Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Honors College, deans list, and honor roll Fellowships/Funding: plan on applying to NSF this fall Pertinent Activities or Jobs: three internships in manufacturing engineering, several big contributions to clubs but all mechanical Other Miscellaneous Accomplishments: Anything else in your application that might matter (faculty connections, etc.): Research Interests: batteries, fuel cells, energy storage Institutions/Programs: Binghamton UDelaware UMiami UMaryland - College Park UFlorida Stanford Purdue Comments: Again, any and all help is much appreciated!! (attached is my CV if you want specifics) Margaret_Pisacano_CV.docx
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