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    Riverrunner9 got a reaction from presentperfect in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    I'm curious if anyone has any insight about the conversion rates for wait list-ers. Is there a pretty good chance you'll get in if wait listed? Is it basically a lost cause? If anyone knows where I could read more about the experience of being wait listed--I'd love to check it!
    Stay healthy and take care of yourself, y'all! 
  2. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to JBeezWriter in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    Well, shoot. Rejected by Iowa. Very nice email, though. It is hard to write a letter that dashes someone's dreams while still leaving them feeling good about themselves after reading the decision. Dr. D'Agata nailed it. 
    I'll try again next year. Congrats to those who got in to the Non-Fiction program--please post on Grad Cafe and fill us in on how the first year goes.
  3. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to Yesgirlstoo in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    Important to remember is applying was an accomplishment. Picking yourself up after rejections and disappointments are an accomplishment. And most importantly, THERES NO DEGREE THAT MAKES YOU A WRITER. This process has really opened me up to the variety of ways to be a writer. An MFA is only one path, and one that doesn’t even assure success or publishing or jobs. It helps sure, but it’s not everything.
    I would suggest investing in yourself and your writing community first. Join a local group, start one, find out what literary events are near you, go to them, check with colleges & universities near you, find out if non-students can volunteer or join writing groups on campus (the writers group at my alma Mater is open the the community and actually has more community members than students). sometimes you gotta be the change!
    Not trying to preach, just trying to share that I’ve learned to be my own advocate more and do it for myself. You’re all wonderful and you’re going to find your way. 
  4. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to SomethingBorrowed in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    *Finally* had my scheduled phone call with Sam Chang. A long call. It's official: I'm in for fiction.
    I asked if she's done notifying applicants and she said they're a bit behind, with more folks to inform. Looks like more people have good news waiting.
  5. Like
    Riverrunner9 got a reaction from presentperfect in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    Are there many other non-traditional-ish student types out there applying this year? Like are there other folks in the workforce trying to make it into some of these programs to ultimately make space for what "it" needs? The ever illusive IT! I've obsessed over my application materials as these announcements have trickled out, and I applied to very few programs. I worry I don't speak the right lingo to trigger the right reaction from a panel of grad school applicant readers. And I must say, the new personal statement that now sits somewhere JUST ABOVE MY HEAD is marvelous compared to what I sent; today, of course, I can SO MUCH MORE CLEARLY state my life's larger purpose and intent in their relation to words and language. Do you know this feeling? Tell me you know this feeling! MFA apps off-kilter feels very different from regular off-kilter. It seems to result in a drastic obsession far beyond what is typical or really even acceptable. 
  6. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to doe-ish in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    @pirhiaa20 Couldn't have said it better myself! Best of luck to you, @Dochinka96. Let us know how it goes! We're rooting for you!!!! ?
  7. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to pirhiaa20 in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    @Dochinka96 I totally agree w/ @doe-ish's approach to the interview questions and that it's that balance of showing that you've researched while expressing interest (so, y'know, don't ask how large the cohort is, if their website says it. but you COULD spin that into "why does the program choose to select [#] students; how do you think a cohort of that size impacts the students' experience?). my only specific add would be to ask the director what initially drew them to MN State, what has surprised them in their time there, and what keeps them there. gives a chance to connect more personally with the interviewer and to learn what, in their eyes, sets the program apart from similar ones. 
    and of course it's an opportunity to actually learn about the program's ethos and approach. super simple, but maybe it'd be helpful for you to make a list of all the elements of a hypothetical dream program, and then if you're not sure whether MN State has/doesn't have any of those things, ask! good luck!!!
    and congrats @Yesgirlstoo ! (and any other acceptances I missed!)
  8. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to Yesgirlstoo in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    I got in at Iowa! I got a phone call from John D’Agata about half hour ago. Wowww! Full funded for 3 years!
  9. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to noraa in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    Does anyone have intel on Rutgers-Camden? They're my dream school and last year candidates were notified by now, but I'm nervous about calling and asking when results might come out for fear of jinxing something. (Logic has left the building at this point.)
  10. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to rbr542 in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    My phone rang with Iowa City code. It was Samantha Chang. I'm in for fiction with GTA funding. I don't remember what I said, something like thank you...??? ? Third try. I'm not sure if this is a dream btw. 
  11. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to SarahBuya in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    Thank you! 
    I submitted my application in November. The program is a MFA in Popular Fiction and Publishing. 
    I'm waiting to hear back from three more schools and then I'll have to make a decision. I need something that is online or VERY low-residency considering I can't move for a program. Sooo, I'm weighing my options while drooling over all of the schools discussed on this forum lol.
  12. Like
    Riverrunner9 reacted to Smrn17 in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    I had a lovely phone call tonight with the director of the MFA program at University of Missouri Kansas City and I am IN! Waiting to hear back about GTA and fellowships by the first two weeks of March. For all of you guys anxious about the phone call acceptances, we played phone tag ALL day because I was at work, but she was so absolutely sweet and kind. I needed this after the cold, cold UMass Amherst rejection. Hasn’t been my first choice but I’m excited to look into the program a bit more. She was so kind about my writing and told me that my app was met with unanimous enthusiasm, so that will definitely tide me over through some of the rejections I’m sure to be receiving soon. Hang in there, everyone!!
  13. Like
    Riverrunner9 got a reaction from SarahBuya in 2020 Applicants Forum   
    Hey SarahBuya — congratulations to you! Top choice acceptance is awesome.
    Can I ask when you submitted your application and in what genre? 
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