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Posts posted by Potter445

  1. 1 hour ago, theGoodGhosts said:

    I don't think that will change until the registration window opens (July 3). When I click "Getting Started", it still lists me as a 4th year undergrad student.

    FWIW, I've never actually used the "Registration: Getting Started" page... I always just went through "Build Your Timetable/Registration". If you go through there, you can build a tentative timetable (a worksheet), and when registration opens, you'll be able to submit the classes you have on your worksheet. Pretty sure Kailey is going to go over the registration process during the webinars this coming Friday.

    Ah so are we not able to see which courses we're supposed to sign up for until July 3? Is there not like a degree requirements page??

  2. 2 hours ago, irnerd said:

    i've only just started as well, and since im working full time, i don't imagine ill be done until late september either. i know my offer said the courses must be completed by october 1, but i do agree - im not sure how this works with course registration and paying tuition. might be worth emailing and asking?

    Yep I just emailed them 

    Also, I did receive a NPSIA orientation package which included how to register! Did you check your cmail? 

  3. 22 hours ago, irnerd said:

    do you know what the deal is for students still completing the econ requirement? it looks like in prior years you weren't allowed to formally register until you had satisfied all conditions in your offer, and in the meantime, you completed a form stating your course preferences and were reserved a spot in the meantime...curious if this is still the protocool?

    asking this as someone who definitely hasn't finished the econ requirement yet!


    I haven't finished the econ requirements either-- doing them on athabasca right now. Do you know if we're still allowed to start courses before we've fulfilled those requirements? Because I don't see myself finishing them until at least mid September ?

  4. 46 minutes ago, theGoodGhosts said:

    I got a TAship, and accepted it without thinking... now I'm trying to figure out how to back out of it. ?

    I think you can wait until fall/winter courses get announced to fill out your TA profile, that way you can pick the courses that are actually getting offered and read the course descriptions. At least in the History department, courses/descriptions typically went up in early June (though I'm not sure when other departments post that info, nor whether it'll be thrown off by this year's chaos).


    Oh right, that makes sense! But how would I know who my supervisor is? ?


    Also out of curiosity, what made you reconsider the TAship? 

  5. 3 hours ago, ah_097 said:

    Your conditions are noted in the graduate admissions modal; I think the 'view holds and conditions of offer' are for financial holds and undergraduate admissions.

    Does anyone know when Carleton usually posts their timetable of classes for the Fall? I'm curious to see when the mandatory classes are so I can start figuring out how I'm going to fit them in with work.

    Thanks I just noticed that! 

  6. On 5/5/2020 at 10:03 PM, irnerd said:

    still haven't heard back from any of my email inquiries, but this is good to know and confirmed what i thought :) completely understandable given whats been going on. thanks!

    its also interesting hearing how they're preparing. i know things are rapidly changing, but right now it really does feel like classes will be online next fall - if that is the case, i really hope we'll be able to resume to in person classes at some point in 2021, if not earlier

    Gosh that would be so strange to begin a new program online lol! So I hope so too if that is the case. 

    Also random- but I'm having that feeling you mentioned where I can't stop suspecting that I am missing something. Am I right to think we are just meant to be focusing on finishing our prerequisite econ courses/ sending in our transcripts right now, or is there something else we should also be doing?


  7. 14 hours ago, irnerd said:

    athabasca is always an option - and you have until may 10th to sign up for a june start :)

    and well, i accepted my offer and funding on the last day of the 21 days we were given to respond, so i was still on time. do you mean you accepted yours after 21 days from when your offer was extended to you?

    part of me wonders if they're super busy which would be completely understandable. prior to this pandemic, i tended to get same day responses from the program administrator, but i sent out an email last week and haven't got a response yet. just concerned because the ta money would be super helpful and im worried about missing a step/deadline but i literally dont know how it'll work


    Yep, that's the issue-- they are busy! Just got a response that said they haven't sent anything out yet because they're working on a plan in case classes have to be online in the fall. 

    I'm on the same boat as you! I hate feeling like I'm missing something. Hopefully if something does unintentionally slip through the cracks they'll be understanding given this whole circumstance.


    20 hours ago, irnerd said:

    i haven't heard anything from npsia since the email reminding people of meeting any offer conditions like micro/macro - anyone else hear anything more recently regarding registration and next steps (i know that it was mentioned we'd receive a follow up email a few weeks ago, but so far, i haven't got a follow up email).

    i'm mainly curious because i was offered funding, primarily in the form of a ta-ship. i tried to create a ta profile but i'm still pretty confused about the process, when we'll be told about who our program supervisor is (a detail we have to include in the online form), if npsia will determine what classes we'll ta or if we should actively rank our preferences. any pointers would be much appreciated


    I didn't receive anything either!! I missed signing up for the prerequisite econ courses for that reason-- I didn't even know how to register. Now they're all full. 

    Did you accept your offer on time? I accepted mine a week late and I thought maybe that was why.

  9. On 2/18/2020 at 3:14 PM, Endzone98 said:

    For the exchange program tho also look at the fact that many students if not the bare majority prefer to work for government in Canada or other public service jobs. i don't know how big the class will be at GSPIA, but you will have a fair chance for sure at your dream international internship for sure! Also, getting into any of these three grad schools is a big stepping stone into the international sphere! I am sure you will make the right choice my friend!

    Thanks for your advice! It makes sense. 

    Do you know if international internships on a graduate level serve as a good bridge to international work?  I completed an international internship as an undergrad and so far it has been good for my resume but it hasn't been any easier to find the kind of work I want 

    I was also speaking to someone who said International work is very difficult to land as a graduate student without experience, and who was encouraging me to go to NPSIA instead (since 90% of NPSIA grads land public service jobs after, and public service is apparently a good avenue towards international work).  They framed as a stability vs. adventurousness sort of thing. It was a very pessimistic tone, and I'm not sure if I should buy into it, but I guess that's also something I'll have to consider 

  10. Thanks a lot! that was pretty illuminating. I was 100% sure I was going into NPSIA but it seems I have to consider my options a bit more. 

    I'm looking into the international opportunities at uOttawa right now, and though I've heard they are really competitive, I wasn't expecting the exchange program to admit only 4 students per place per term...and I'm guessing the co-op program is even more competitive. Last thing I'd want is to leave after 2 years without work or international experience. 

    Hmm...tough decision




  11. Hey everyone! I'm glad to have found an active forum on NPSIA, because none of the old forums seem to address a question I've been looking to resolve ?

    From what I've read, a lot of students believe that the co-op opportunities at NPSIA open doors to the Public Service (Global Affairs in particular), but there is little mention of other sorts of work it offers. Personally, I'm not really interested in working for the Federal Government -- my dream is to work for an international organization, either in an NGO or within an intergovernmental context. So I'm wondering if anyone has any insight as to the sort of international work placements NPSIA has to offer (if any at all)?

    Thank in advance!



  12. Hey! I have a question about the co-op prospects for GSPIA vs NPSIA and thought to add it on to your question since it's pertinent. 

    From the posts I've read, it seems a lot of people applying to NPSIA and GSPIA are comparing their co-op programs based on Public Service (and in particular GAC) opportunities. It's making me feel a little left out, because I don't actually want to take the public service route. I'm more drawn towards working on an international level-- either within an embassy, in an NGO, or in an intergovernmental context... and I'm hoping that one of these programs will open up doors for me. 

    Does anyone know if one of these programs offers more extensive opportunities to work abroad? 



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