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Everything posted by frd1

  1. No news yet from Princeton?
  2. Dear Faculty, How much do Trump’s recent policy decisions (and those likely to follow) influence this year’s PhD application decisions? Are applicants intending to work on focus areas like development or international organizations considered less favorable because of these?
  3. Wishing you all the best! My first rodeo too 😁
  4. I do not know how strict they are, but I’d caution against going significantly over the word limit.
  5. Yes, please!
  6. Thank you! I can confirm that my primary interest is CP. However, I heard from others that I should not try to make my application too narrow; something that I can totally agree with. But I wonder how much attention would the adcomm pay to the secondary field of interes? In my case, this would be IR and I am clear about how this overlaps and interconnects with my substantive area of interest in CP. But my concern is whether this would be interpreted as lack of focus.
  7. Is it necessary for your SOP to highlight clear interest in a single subfield? Would framing my lines of inquiry under two different subfields (CP and IR) be seen negatively? Less than 10 days left until 15 December 😥
  8. I really appreciate your insight! If you don’t mind me bothering you with another question: for CP, how significant is region/country compared to substantive areas when assessing applicants’ fit? Is it a clear rejection if none of the faculty members work on the country proposed in the SOP?
  9. Question to CP PhD applicants/current students: How crucial is it to identify a specific country or region of interest in the SOP? Would keeping it broad, such as focusing on advanced industrialized countries or developing countries, jeopardize one’s application?
  10. Deadline was yesterday right? Best wishes!
  11. Official thread for 2024-2025 admission cycle. Wishing everyone all the best.
  12. As a big fan of public choice theory and Marginal Revolution, I think GMU/Mercatus would make a wonderful place for you to learn (no, I didn’t apply myself). I personally don’t think the school’s ideology or approach to economics would have significant implications for your future careers in policy or private sectors. But it might to certain extent have a role to play if you’re thinking of pursuing academic or think tank routes.
  13. Any of the IDEV admitted students here thought the session during open house yesterday was really good? I am personally impressed with the faculty i.e. Nagpal, Brautigam etc. It’s getting much more difficult for me to finalise my decision.
  14. Hey guys, in case any of you haven’t noticed it the call for scholarship is up. You’d be surprised with the list of preferred unis though. All the best x
  15. Thanks for the clarification. I’m in! And applied for I-DEV too. Congratulations to you.
  16. Did your offer specifically mention that it’s for I-DEV?
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