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    tradagram reacted to Zadican in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hey @zayzay, congratulations! 
    A few updates from me. The big one is that I have been accepted to the University of Texas as a Michener Fellow. I am very excited, and I've been on a cloud since I found out. 
    I told Hunter & Brown (the other places I interviewed about it), and Julia at Brown told me that while they don't do official wait lists, I am on a shortlist of alternate candidates. Hunter, by contrast, asked me to wait until Tuesday to make a final decision. I saw on the results page that next week is when they hear about funding, so I assume it's related to that. 
    I have not been officially rejected from Iowa or UCSD, but I assume that to be the case since offers went out. 
  2. Like
    tradagram reacted to Agez in Playwriting MFAs   
    OH SHIT! ConGratulations! I hope you're celebrating your ASS off! This is just another step on the journey. Here's to great things on your path! ❤️
  3. Like
    tradagram reacted to Agez in Playwriting MFAs   
    Congratulations on making it to the end. It wasn't an easy journey, but take pride that you've gone through it. Glad to hear you're writing again! I'm looking forward to that release, one way or another.
    Take care, and best of luck for the round!
  4. Like
    tradagram reacted to zayzay in Playwriting MFAs   
    Honored, moved, and overwhelmed that I was officially accepted into Iowa today. I turn 22 next week and this is my very first year applying to MFA, so I had no idea what to expect. This process is, as we all know, incredibly difficult. And I celebrate all of you for embarking on this journey. I'd like to echo what was said in the previous post in saying that we all have reason to celebrate because we all have survived this process. There is still some waiting to be done, but I am so thankful for all of you and am sending you all amazing vibes. I started writing plays on my bedroom floor at eleven years old and it just means so much to have arrived here. Love you guys! 
  5. Like
    tradagram reacted to space94 in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hi friends. Full disclosure: I've been a little absent this week because I started to sense things weren't going to blow my way on the grad school front, on top of several professional stumbling blocks that all just piled up in one huge mess. (It's been a week, folks. Trust me.) I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed, frustrated, and a little bamboozled, but I also know I'm not the only one in this boat, so before I depart like air from this forum until (likely) next year, I want to give a quick shout out to everyone who either a. didn't get an interview, b. doesn't feel great about their interview, c. did get an interview and ends up being waitlisted/rejected (not to put bad omens in the air). Despite another wipeout season for me, barring any potential but unlikely dark horse, I still believe everything I was saying a few pages back about optimism and liberation. I can tell you that the thought of being free from having to sit in anxiety any longer has brought a lot of relief; I can finally write again and work toward my looming deadline! Not that I would have preferred it this way, but I'm making it out of this without feeling too badly about myself. So I'll take it. 

    Anyhow, congrats to all for making it even this far in this genuinely traumatizing process. Write, workshop, and get it out there.  
  6. Like
    tradagram reacted to kevinmalone in Playwriting MFAs   
    Hey! I also heard from Lisa at Iowa yesterday and spoke with her this morning! It was a lovely, really laid back conversation – mostly just chatting about why I was interested in Iowa, and why grad school right now. She told me a lot about the program – including about the financials & teaching opportunities – and I asked a bunch of questions. You will do great! 
  7. Like
    tradagram reacted to zayzay in Playwriting MFAs   
    I got an interview request for Iowa last night at like 10pm EST (very honored and surprised by the timing) and will be having my interview via phone at noon today. I am so amazed and thankful to this forum. Any interview tips? Nervous and excited!
  8. Like
    tradagram reacted to eurialo in Playwriting MFAs   
    Thank you Tradagram! I (like many) can get caught up a little in the emotion of things. I'm in a happier place and will accept the result regardless. Very hopeful still about BU (really like their progam, def a top choice), and nothing is set in stone!
  9. Like
    tradagram reacted to Dro. in Playwriting MFAs   
    So, update: BU's Kate Snodgrass just called me! it was a quick interview, but apparently decisions are coming out at some point next week!!!
  10. Like
    tradagram got a reaction from eurialo in Playwriting MFAs   
    sending you some virtual hugs ? i'm sure you'd be able to chart forward whatever the result. cheers! ?
  11. Like
    tradagram reacted to Dro. in Playwriting MFAs   
    BU won’t be sending anything out until late this week or the next, so there’s still hope! Hang in there
  12. Upvote
    tradagram got a reaction from eurialo in Playwriting MFAs   
    @Dongato gee me too ? sorry my wink didn't come across ???  besttest of luck with your interview! ?
  13. Like
    tradagram got a reaction from Dongato in Playwriting MFAs   
    @Dongato gee me too ? sorry my wink didn't come across ???  besttest of luck with your interview! ?
  14. Like
    tradagram reacted to Agez in Playwriting MFAs   
    OH SHIT CONGRATULATIONS! I literally had to stop myself from applying because I just couldn't fathom the loans. BUT YOU GET TO TALK TO LYNN AND/PR HENRY THAT'S EPIC!
  15. Like
    tradagram reacted to Agez in Playwriting MFAs   
    lol SAME XD
  16. Like
    tradagram reacted to jck349 in Playwriting MFAs   
    Welcome to the waitlist haha. Let us know if you get any updates!
    @Agez: for sure! Our current project is a 10 minute play fest for local playwrights. There's a lot of theatre in SD, but it definitely skews older, so we're doing our best to get younger writers' work out there. If that goes well (and if I'm still in SD by the end of the year haha), our plan is for full productions of original work from all over!
  17. Like
    tradagram reacted to esbrain in Playwriting MFAs   
    Just had my NYU interview and they said that they typically try and let people know by the end of their spring break (March 20th)
  18. Like
    tradagram reacted to Dongato in Playwriting MFAs   
    Got an interview request for Columbia this morning. Excited! In related news, if anyone has a spare 150,000 dollars that they’d like to give me, I’m available for that offer. 
  19. Like
    tradagram reacted to Agez in Playwriting MFAs   
    As of updates:
    Someone on the MFA Draft mentioned they got into UC Riverside so those first round of offers have gone out.
    UCSD has done their 2nd round of interviews and sent out offers.
    Someone mentioned they got an interview request from Brown, and Yale is interviewing finalists this week
  20. Like
    tradagram reacted to Agez in Playwriting MFAs   
    Not sure yet, I was actually thinking about coming up the weekend of the 13th to see some shows! Hot Wing King, Cambodian Rock Band and All the Natalie Portmans are on my list.
    What are other shows y'all are excited to see the rest of this season?
    That's awesome! I've also come to peace with a plan I have for any scenerio. I'm sadly not in San Diego (UCSD was the dream school lol) but if y'all are ever interested in long distance collaboration (or to give me an excuse to come to San Diego) I'd love to hear more!
  21. Like
    tradagram reacted to space94 in Playwriting MFAs   
    On this note: before everyone starts getting decisions in and disperses, anyone in New York looking to connect is more than welcome to do so. Always up for readings/shows/etc. Thanks everyone for being kind and supportive of random strangers on the internet. The future of theatre is bright.
  22. Like
    tradagram reacted to jck349 in Playwriting MFAs   
    For reeeeal. My fiance and I have plans for every outcome, but have been just kinda in limbo. But we're happy with all of our choices, even if it means applying again next year (and the year after and the year after...)
    Speaking of theatrical futures! Kind of a shot in the dark, but if any of y'all also happen to be based in San Diego, PM me! Got some theatrical goings on down here and we're always looking for new writers!!
  23. Like
    tradagram reacted to Agez in Playwriting MFAs   
    Happy March 1st, y'all! 
    I know the anxiety has been insane, but by the end of this month we'll have a clearer view of our futures, and we can take peace in that. We got this!
  24. Like
    tradagram reacted to esbrain in Playwriting MFAs   
    Got a NYU interview request today. Very interested to see how it goes after reading other people's experiences lol. Seems surreal-ly low key
  25. Like
    tradagram got a reaction from PlayWitch in Playwriting MFAs   
    by the way, seeing people posting their *many* notifications on FB Draft '20 is like...

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