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Everything posted by cee123

  1. congrats!! when did you receive the offer? was wondering if you applied for mext simultaneously? would love to hear your experience in the process. Thanks!
  2. based on my experience last year, results started coming out in april already. it was done in batches - i got mine mid-month. some got theirs in the first week.
  3. cool! how was the interview? for the mext - was it via embassy or unversity?
  4. good luck! in the other forum tho i think i've only seen one who got interviewed for MIA. the rest - MPP and MPA applicants.
  5. Anyone here who has applied/currently applying/will apply for the programme? I noticed that it's one of the few Japanese universities which doesn't really require a comprehensive research plan, unless thru MEXT, but (from what I've gathered) the competition is quite stiff. Hope to pick your brains..
  6. True, it happens.. But at least you got feedback! Other schools would just leave you clueless which is sad bec you'll never know which part of the application you fell short, right? ?
  7. Good luck with your application :) btw, what do you mean "bad"? What happened with your application at sciences po?
  8. also, you have an impressive background :) i can't say how hard it is to get in there though but i know i tried my best in my application hehe but maybe it wasn't good enough to get a scholarship :(
  9. hello! i got in last year but decided not to pursue it since it was without scholarship. the fees were way above my financial capacity unfortunately. received the result around mid-april, didn't get interviewed.
  10. Maybe they'll send out the next batch by early May (if not end of April). Some here got it on the 1st. I got mine on the 16th - though it was for MIA. Good luck!
  11. Not from SG.. so on top of the tuition fee, i have also to consider the cost of living worth 2 years. i don't think getting a part-time job while being there is easy and enough. just the thought of being buried in student loan debt scares me so much. i've heard enough horror stories about it ? if i had a high-paying job offer waiting for me after finishing it, then maybe, again, i would reconsider. but the reality is - no. I really hope you're able to come up with the best decision on this
  12. i really want to start this year and im not getting any younger lol but i've already asked if i could defer. i don't even know if i could procure enough funds in 1 year if they accept my request for deferral. i'm also checking about that prodigy financing, but i can't imagine repaying for 10/15 years especially since i have other financial obligations.
  13. congrats on the oxford offer though. i think that's a good choice too! i got an offer but no scholarship too. if i'd be given a tuition fee waiver, i think i would reconsider.
  14. Curious.. you deferred first then they emailed you about the grant? How many days before they replied?
  15. congrats to everyone who got the offer! they've probably had to resort to slashing the stipend or offering discounts instead (because of the pandemic-induced .budget cuts maybe? idk). I'm thinking - they still want to attract international students - but they are aware that these students usually can't afford to pay in full. what a difficult decision it must have been. oh well
  16. do you know anyone who has gotten MIA and MPA results yet?
  17. Only MPP results have been sent out so far? No MPA yet?
  18. nope, still no news until now. i hope they send them out soon - at this point i just want to get this waiting thing over and done with. hehehe
  19. seems like no one has received one yet (or at least the ones in this group). i haven't heard from them too (not even a rejection hehehe
  20. right? I wonder how they'll manage this since supposedly 80% of their cohort are international students and truth is, not everyone can afford. which, in a way, could affect the "diversity" that its curriculum boasts. it'll be interesting to see how this will turn out. covid has definitely made things very complicated. yikes.
  21. can't help but wonder - maybe they've lessened granting scholarships for this year's round due to the pandemic. you know - redirecting budgets supposedly for scholarships to covid response.
  22. Congratulations @chewbakkwa!!! Did you receive it via email or thru that admissions/applications portal?
  23. ah i see. i emailed them back in late feb. an even longer wait then, but that's okay - safety first for everybody.
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