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Everything posted by chewbakkwa

  1. Just got acceptance for the MPA! Any idea approximately when funding information will be released? They say within the next few weeks in the email. I need to accept/reject by may 1st...
  2. Me neither! I wasn't aware we were going to receive a physical package. Maybe that's only after you accept?
  3. Yes, and I'd recommend calling to ensure that your message has been received, especially if the deadline is coming up soon for you. Call the number of the admissions officer that has been assigned to you if possible (google search). Likewise! I'd recommend calling them if possible, they're pretty responsive by phone. Yup! 9th April too. "No further action" was required on my end after they'd ackowledged by deferment.
  4. Yeah, I've officially deferred my enrolment to 2021. I hope you receive a scholarship+stipend this year but if you do defer too, you could spend the time admission till next year applying for external scholarships.
  5. Unfortunately, a loan might not be a viable solution for me because of the nature of my financial commitment coming up. Essentially, I need some income during the duration of my studies. However, I would be in a better situation in August next year.
  6. I'm stressing out a little bit regarding the lack of funding because of certain financial commitments I have coming up. Here're our options if we haven't been given funding: 1) Reply to the admissions offer via email and explain that you would not be able to commit full-time to studying without funding. We'd basically be 2nd in line to receive funding, so we have to hope those that were offered scholarships reject them. 2) Defer our admission to the next intake (can be done if option 1 fails too). Hope this helps everyone. Please do call/email the admissions team to see how they can help you. I would love to start this year, but I would consider deferring to next year as I would be in a better financial situation then. edit: tagging @ohdannyboy
  7. Thank you @cee123! I received it via email. Checked the portal right after and the status had already been updated.
  8. I've just received an offer today!!!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone here gets favourable replies too. If financial aid wasn't mentioned, that means none was offered, right?
  9. There is also the possibility that the admissions procedure is extremely complicated for the team, especially since ~80% of the cohort is from around the world. Maybe because things are so uncertain now, international applicants might not want to commit to an overseas university over a home-based university. Just a thought about how complex covid may have made things.
  10. We're approaching late march. I'm so anxious.
  11. Wish you the best man. Which ASEAN nation are you from? I'm from Singapore myself...
  12. I can't answer this conclusively, but I've read from previous replies that there are some that get admitted without having been invited for interviews. Those that weren't invited fall into two pools - definite acceptance and definite rejection. Those that were invited fall into - likely to be invited and likely to be rejected. Since more people get in through interviews than direct admission, you could say that you have a higher chance of getting in if you've secured an interview.
  13. Early april onward. I hope you hear from them too, @cee123! @Jamy with Singapore's partnership with ASEAN countries, I'd think if you get in there's a pretty high chance of getting a full scholarship.
  14. My interview was similar to @OVi_'s. I expected questions about my essay actually, but was surprised nothing was asked about it. Was asked about the case study and my motivation to study as well. Took around 15 minutes for the interview portion. Tone was good, so I'm feeling ok. Was just a little shocked as I was expecting a rapid fire of questions I had arduously prepped for ?. Fingers crossed!
  15. Same here, on both counts. Best we can do is be ourselves and hope they see our value!
  16. Received an interview date. @Grapes&Apples How did your interview go?
  17. Me! I just received an interview date. I'm extremely nervous, but excited and thankful to even have a shot.
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