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Everything posted by FingersCrossed58

  1. I'm in the exact same position, if you want to chat. It sucks. It really, really sucks
  2. This may have already been talked about but does anyone have advice or a template on what to write to a PI to follow up after an interview? I was told I'd hear about her decisions this week but haven't heard anything yet
  3. Wow, way to keep the anxiety going, TC. Was this for Clinical or Counseling (or both, I guess)?
  4. I have the same question. If you're comfortable, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know who your PI is
  5. Does anyone know if all of the interview invites already went out?
  6. Similar question for NC. Good luck everyone!
  7. I'm in the same boat, if that helps ?
  8. Does anyone know if all of the invites for BU have gone out? I know some have but I haven't seen anything about my POI, MT
  9. Hi all! If you're looking for an RA or coordinator position, Boston Children's is hiring "The Faja and Nelson Labs within the Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience (LCN) at Boston Children’s Hospital are seeking a Research Assistant for an NIH-funded project examining the measurement of biomarkers for use in clinical trials with children on the autism spectrum. Please apply for the position online (https://www.childrenshospital.org/career-opportunities). Click ‘Search Jobs’ and enter 57261BR."
  10. Ugh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have an interview with Clark Clinical (different PI, though). Interviews are the first week of Feb. We've gotten a few emails from the department admin about scheduling so I'm under the impression the all invites are out. Best of luck. ❤️
  11. In other news, I heard from a PI connection at UMass Boston that they're still reviewing and haven't had their invites meeting yet. I didn't apply there but I hope that helps someone else breathe easy!
  12. Thank you so much for all of the support. It's been hard. I was hoping this was going to be my year (and I know it's still possible and I shouldn't catastrophize before I know more information). This just sucks.
  13. I'm having a really hard time focusing and staying motivated. Focusing on my current lab work has been so difficult this month. I'm waiting to hear back from so many places but the anxiety is really difficult. This is my second round and I don't think I can put myself (or afford to put myself) through this again but I really don't know what else I'd do. I sincerely love research and clinical work and I can't see myself doing anything different. I've thought about becoming a psych NP but I'd have to start all over (I don't have a BSN or any of the prerecs). I'm just nervous and see my options dwindling.
  14. I follow all of my POIs on twitter (and then some). Some have followed me back, funnily enough. It has been a nice way to get insight into their personalities or politics without having to ask. I don't think that they'd think much of it. If anything, it shows more interest. I'd just make sure to be careful about what you tweet and like on the platform.
  15. Do you think we can assume a rejection if we didn't get the DCT email from Fordham? This blows
  16. Hi, I'm still waiting on Fordham (clinical) but I received an invite from Clark (clinical) last night. Feel free to message for POI. Good luck!
  17. from a USC fac on twitter: "We just had our faculty interview selection meeting yesterday. Core faculty are each inviting five & affiliated fac are inviting two applicants to interview. The dept funds 16 slots (across areas); if we admit more, indiv fac must cover"
  18. Any tips for reinterviewing with a program? I got waitlisted at my dream school last year (I was literally next on the list but it didn't shake out my way). I'm interviewing again with the same PI and grad students. I still love this program and want to go but I'm anxious about the stakes this time. I also feel like I already have so many of my basic questions answered that I'm running out of things to ask about. I already know all of the financial, mentorship, ect questions/answers. I plan to ask about covid and racial justice but I feel like my endless vat of questions is pretty empty right now for this program. Any advice?
  19. Wanted to put it out there that someone told me people have lied about results before on here (people suck. Like come on). Just a reminder to take everything with a grain of salt and remember that this can be a pretty toxic place to stay wrapped up in without taking breathers.
  20. Sooooo.....Stony Brook? Interviews are apparently in really early January so I'm assuming interview invites should've already gone out but I haven't seen official invites on the results page. Does anyone have any insight? It's my top choice so I'm a little bit panicky
  21. I'm not an authority on the topic but my gut says don't. This is a great thing to bring up in interviews when you've updated your CV but for now, it'll probably just get lost in the shuffle if you aren't already actively talking to a PI about a scheduled interview. I don't think there's such a huge difference between accepted vs "under review" that would totally change the game for a PI making decisions
  22. This happened to me last year. Sometimes it means that you're on a waitlist. You might not be in the pile for interviews but you could be in the pile for if they need to hold a second round of interviews
  23. How did you find this info? from websites or interview invites?
  24. If you start seeing that your POI sent out prelim invites but you didn't get one, is all hope lost? I'm trying not to panic but I also want to be rational
  25. I always find this weird. It probably for institutional data purposes rather than evaluating your app. I usually list two or three but I don't think it matters too much. In an interview context, I'd be delicate of how you approach the question. I'd err on the side of "I am applying to a few others or also considering X, but your program really stands out to me because of Y so I'm really excited to be here"
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