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Everything posted by labcoat777

  1. like what everyone else says: you sound highly capable and it could just be bad luck with committee members. with that being said, i think your shortcoming may have been in the proposal because your accomplishments sound super good! i have a decent amount of insight into the proposal review process (how to write one, participated in a review panel, how ranking works, etc) and I also read 3 successful proposals (2 nserc, 1 nsf) to give me a flavor of what to expect. i probably put the most effort into the proposal out of the whole application (although I did get 2 good journal pubs in undergrad- 2nd and 3rd author). i got ranked 5/6 for the research potential and got a pgsd (i'm a 1st year at a US school). it's unfortunate that you can't apply for this award again but writing a good proposal is going to be a skill you need to carry forth anyways. if you need any help with this, i'd be happy to read yours and give u feedback for the future!
  2. im at a US institute and got PGSD (3 years) in chemistry committee! rank 29/149
  3. i think it may be last name starting from z->a ?? mostly got t's, o's, s's
  4. are u at a Canadian school? I’m currently at US school so idk if my graduate advisor would know anything?
  5. lol imagine them sending all 1000 emails at 11:58pm on April 16
  6. just got email 12:45 EST - last name F
  7. do u mind sharing the first letter of ur last name? (to confirm this batches by last name theory)
  8. isn't CERB only for people who had to stop working this year bc of COVID? if you're still being paid by your university (i'm still doing TA duties remotely) despite physically not going into lab, you wouldn't qualify right?
  9. has anyone else received this email?
  10. ahhh the anticipation is killing me! on their news release (march 31) they're saying IF there are delays, they'd be communicated...but it's been over a week past the 23 week mark. confused to why they're emailing people one thing and putting out news releases saying another. probably because of covid19? https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Media-Media/NewsRelease-CommuniqueDePresse_eng.asp?ID=1139
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