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Everything posted by AVKado

  1. Not me. I expect you'll be the first to hear based on your standing! Others I've talked to who were waitlisted + later awarded PGS in previous years were notified later in the summer (July-August). NSERC says that you could hear as late as January I think...
  2. Yeah, you're probably right! I suppose that would be a "switch". But isn't it institution-specific to begin with, so if you applied at a foreign school you'd only be applying to PGS (without clicking the checkbox for CGS consideration)? I only applied for my current school/program so I really don't know!
  3. Not sure you'd want to switch from CGS to PGS, but maybe you can upgrade to CGS if you were originally awarded PGS and a CGS was declined by someone ranked above you? Not sure though. Deferment depends on circumstances, but the award has to be accepted to be deferred https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/Guides-Guides/TriRTA-TriBFR_eng.asp
  4. Thanks @StructIntern for starting this! I've been aggressively researching past years' waitlist stats but can't find anything so hopefully this will help calm me down. Committee: 168 Avg Research: 4.07 Avg Experience: 4.00 (both out of 6, not sure why committees differ in grading styles?) Rank: 49.6% (62/125)
  5. Wow! Congrats! Also 168 Earth Sci - waitlisted at 62/125 ? But first time applicant so I've got lots of time! Happy celebrating!!
  6. Received the email. Last name 'K'
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