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Posts posted by ridgey

  1. I was able to kill an entire day of waiting yesterday with the flu. It was fabulous! All I could do was be curled up in a little ball shivering and attempting to keep down tiny amounts of fluids. I even had to stay away from the gradcafe, because the thought of looking at a bright screen sent me into fits of nausea. Woo.

    Glad you're feeling well enough to join us today!

  2. I dunno about epi, but I saw some health policy results that were both interviews and direct admits. I wonder which department the results listed as simply "public health" were?

    I think I'm hoping against interviews, myself. Obviously, I'm hoping we're still in the running! No results up yet, which is a good sign for us. There are a couple of masters decisions on the board. I predict I'll wake up Thur morning to a decision (i.e. they'll notify Wed am).

    If the person whose application got transferred between departments at Mailman is reading, I'm sure I'm not the only one very curious to know some more details...I understand it would be easy to identify you though, maybe you could make up a new username just for that? Pretty please?

  3. Well, we're all budding researchers - someone should set up a study!

    Seriously, the reason it hasn't been done is that it would be near impossible to get a denominator. THe only way I can see to get every applicant is to get data from every single programme and do some kind of data matching to get a list of applicants. So maybe not IMPOSSIBLE, but incredibly labour intensive.

    And I think actually having the numbers would be more depressing!

  4. Just bumping this --

    Anyone hear back from PhD admissions committees for public health?

    I am waiting on Hopkins, UMN, Columbia, Tulane, UAB, UIC, and Emory - no news at all to date! Any ideas on when we'll hear?

    There have been a couple of Public Health PhDs on the results page. U Arizona, UPitt, UNC, UMich. I'm waiting for Columbia and Hopkins too. In previous years, the results page has had notices from these programmes mid-Feb onwards.

  5. lol, if it makes you feel any better the health policy and management ranking is technically not in the top 10 for the PhD (which is sort of weird!)

    Where does one find these rankings? I've seen US News but everything is just "public health" - I can't find health policy specific rankings anywhere.

    So you think you'll go to UNC? Are you still waiting on other results?

  6. I live several time zones away from where addmission decisions are trickling down, and it should be to my advantage. When I get up in the morning, it's mid-late afternoon the previous day. By late morning, normal business hours are over. So that's a very short window for obsessively checking my email, applicaiton status, etc.

    Of course, I actually spend nearly every waking minute either doing those things, or on grad cafe. As someone else said, who actually needs to write a thesis?

  7. I smell NOPM... I think it's weird a troll would dedicate so much time to writing such long and elaborate messages.

    Indeed it is nopm. At least, the situation as described is almost identical. To be fair, I don't think it's a troll. I think the tone of lots of the posts under the nopm moniker were borderline hysterical and generally a bad reflection on the OP. Seems the OP, recognising this, is trying to reinvent him/herself minus the OTT-ness.

  8. Hello.

    This is my first posting on Gradcafe. I do recognize that this forum is about GRADUATE school, and part of my question pertains to graduate studies but that part is dependent upon the first part of my question which does not pertain to grad studies. I hope that you do not mind.

    This is my story:

    2003 - 2005 Majored in Drama and English at a University

    2005 - 2009 Earned Finance Degree At A Community College Because My Parents Thought It Was More "Practical" Than My Drama/English Studies

    Summer 2009 I want to re-enter the university to pick up my English degree (I only have two years to go). I will graduate at age 26.

    My plans after that include pursuing a graduate degree in English and then a doctorate - I aim to graduate by age 31.


    1) I feel really bad about graduating at 26 instead of the usual 22 - I feel different, not normal, etc. Should I feel this way? Or is it all right that my dreams got delayed?

    2) I did really well at the community college, although I have ~ 2.33 CGPA from the university before I left (I failed an elective Sociology course). Is there any graduate program that will take me, seeing as how this was five years ago and I will do well in my last two years at the university?

    Please help me with these questions.

    Just because you change username does not mean this is your first posting here. Some people would be annoyed at answering several questions, having the OP deleted, and then having the exact same situation presented looking for answers to the same questions under a different username.

    26 is not old. You can feel however you want. Admission committees aren't going to not admit you because you're 26.

    You are understandably looking for reassurance, but no-one here is prescient or omniscient. It is common for people to improve their study habits/find their niche late in their studies and admissions committees take this into account.

  9. Hmm I just checked those two earlier today (as always); could you elaborate on this blurb you speak of?

    "Your application has been sent to the Admissions Committee for review. Please note that the length of review can vary; a representative from the Department will contact you and notification will be posted on this page when a decision has been made. If you have questions during the review process you may contact the Academic Coordinator within your Department / Program. The Admissions Office does not release decision information. Note: Incomplete documents below are still required."

  10. So, those other singletons... How are you planning to go on the prowl over the coming years? I'm imagining we'll all be sizing up the other new doctoral candidates (and for the youngsters amongst us the MA students). I'm just not sure what it'll be like working all day on my own research, I think it might inhibit interaction with other grad students a bit.

    I'm thinking it's not a good idea to be on the prowl in your own department. Personally, I'm hoping to find a Prince Charming who isn't a student at all. That would necessiate getting a life, of course, which isn't seeming particularly likely!

  11. If I applied on Jan. 9 and do not hear anything by ____ date (I'm thinking Feb. 20?), should I e-mail the program to ask them if they have received my stuff?

    See if they have an online status checker, though they are often unreliable. When is the deadline? Lots of places don't send "you're missing XYZ" info till the deadline has passed.

  12. I think this poster is a troll. They posted a bunch last night and then deleted all their posts. That's why I quoted this one. Plus, I think this is a fairly strange question/suggestion.


    And agree with the reading between the lines thing - that's probably the professor's way of saying they don't want to write for you.

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