Undergraduate Institution:Top 3 in math/stat in India
Program:Bachelor of Science
Percentage:74%(Major)(Known for grade deflation)
Type :International Asian Male
Math/Stat courses: Analysis 1(100),2(71),3(75),Probability 1,2,Algebra 1,2 ,linear algebra ,topology,optimization,differential geometry,differential equation,complex analysis,stat 1,2,3
Masters Institution:Same above
Percentage:73.6%(At time of application)
Math courses:Measure theory,several variable calculus,algebraic topology,functional analysis...
GRE(general):will appear,expecting good score in quantitative section
GRE(Math)-Cancelled due to covid
Research Project-None
lor :Haven't asked,expecting average
Programs applying: Phd Statistics(Would like to work on interdisciplinary fields with emphasis on probability)
School:Please recommend the range of school I should look for with enough flexibility to do intra departmental work.Any suggestion is welcome.