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Everything posted by ignimbrite

  1. Undergrad Institution: Large public university with great reputation and good earth science reputation (although more for grad/research than undergrad) Major(s): Geophysics Minor(s): Data Science GPA in Major: 3.83 Overall GPA: 3.61 Type of Student: domestic, female GRE Scores (revised): Q: 163 V: 166 W: 4.5 Research Experience: 2 summers and one semester of research at my university with the same PI (subject: geodesy/tectonics/data science). Resulted in one second author AGU presentation, one first author AGU presentation, and an honors thesis (if I ever finish it!) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: I got a summer fellowship award through my university. I've applied for the NSF GFRP but I think it's a big stretch. Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 6 years of part time work experience, but none of it very relevant. I've been the VP/president of the earth sciences club at my university for the last 2 years though. Special Bonus Points: 2 out of my 3 recommenders are very well known in their fields (one is my PI, and I've taken grad classes and worked on department policy stuff with the other, so I expect I should have decent letters). Also, my PI was the PhD advisor for the prof I'm interested in at U Oregon, and has worked with several of the other professors I'm applying under. Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I took all classes pass/no pass last spring due to the pandemic, but so did many other students so I'm not sure how big of a detriment this is. Applying to Where: MIT | CalTech | UT Austin | Rice | University of Oregon | University of Wisconsin | University of Michigan
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