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Everything posted by Jbee241

  1. Hey folks, Im still in the grueling waitlist period. Any tips to moving on?
  2. Oh thanks so much!! I’m happy it’s not a no and also feel so close and so far lol
  3. Hey friends, After a long series of auditions, I'm waitlisted at Juilliard. I know this is a good thing (in that it's not a "no"), but is super stressful! All my other schools (NYU, Old Globe, Yale, and Brown) are No's as of Friday. Anyone else in a waitlist position? EEK
  4. Hey there, no I decided not to accept. I had another school that felt like a better fit that I wanted to try again with. Fast forward a year and I’m in final callbacks with that school this weekend! So following my gut might have worked :)! good luck! I hope you hear from gwu soon!
  5. I just got an acceptance today, so some folks are still hearing! Not sure if I'm moving forward or not, but feels really good! Fingers crossed you hear soon!!
  6. Anyone heard anything? I assume they’ll tell us either way
  7. Yea, I think they aren’t doing one based on what my coach is saying and several others in that group. I did submit my app like WAY early (October) so maybe that’s why! But who knows! Fingers crossed for good news for you!
  8. My understanding is they aren’t doing a weekend callback!
  9. Yes Old globe! I got rejected over email
  10. USD sent some rejections if that helps others! ( I got mine, lol)
  11. bumping on anything from USD!
  12. Ah gotcha. My coach said “The roll out for NYU weekend invitations is not all at once but can be several days or even weeks. I’ve got stories.” so I’ll wait til I hear an official “no”, but bummed to hear it might not happen
  13. Anyone hear from NYU? I heard that a very small number of callback weekend offers went out, but wasn't sure.
  14. I didn't personally audition, but in my coaches group a bunch of people have been asking and looks like no one had received a response yet.
  15. Totally! It doesn't seem like they'd put that much enthusiasm in if you were garbage hahah. Yes, zoom does make it hard to reach the energy! Ah okay! And i hope you hear from your soon too. I know! I already was told I didn't get final weekend calllbacks for Juilliard. They already invited to their top 50 for callback weekend. So way ahead of last year. Wondering if other schools will do the same.
  16. I totally understand it feels false, but part of me believes it! I didn't get a callback either, but the interview/banter portion felt so legit and actually interested that it would be weird for them to have done it if they didn't have any interest. I think at least. haha So i think you should be proud that they chatted with you :) Any submit GWU? I didn't receive a message that they got my tape, but don't wanna bother too much. Anyone hear from NYU? I know they said BY february 15th, so maybe won't come for awhile.
  17. I’m not personally doing URTAs, but I’d say if you have a couple of top choices that are attending, it might be worth shooting them a message to let them know you’re particularly interested in their programs! Not positive! my coach also says auditioning with a Top choice school from URTA directly in addition to URTA is a good choice, not sure which might still be accepting appointments individually!
  18. Hey! My first two went surprisingly well. Have a couple more in January. And then awaiting callback weekend asks! Ahh!! How is yours going? @Happytobehere
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