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Everything posted by rainbow56

  1. I've received an acceptance via email! So don't immediately panic if you get an email from a program Good luck to you!!!
  2. Anyone else still waiting to hear from University of Washington (adult clinical phd) post interview?
  3. Just to add to this it can be later if the first offer is waiting on another program that they themselves are waitlisted for, so don't panic if things still aren't smoothed out by Mid March! Wishing you luck!
  4. They meet on Tuesday to discuss and then depending on your PI they said they hope to contact by the end of this week or next best of luck!
  5. Is this for UW? I'm waiting to get my schedule from them as well if so. I reached out and they said they would get it to us sometime today (interview is tomorrow). I would reach out to your PI/anyone else you've been in contact with for sure!
  6. Thank you for sharing this, I really appreciate it! ? For programs that didn't give an estimated notification date, when do you suggest we follow up? (ie: after 2 weeks post interview, after 3 weeks, etc.)?
  7. This is exactly my thought process as well haha! I think I may wait until next week, but I'm not sure how to navigate this to walk the line of not looking impatient but also not looking uninterested lol. If you do reach out please let me know if you get a response!
  8. Anyone heard from UNC Charlotte clinical health program (post interview) yet?
  9. I think it's PI dependent at this point, my POI was doing prelims through today then notifying of formal interview invites by the end of the week. Hope this helps!
  10. UNC Charlotte had their interview day last week, sorry to bring bad news Wishing you luck!
  11. Would love to know this as well if you're comfortable
  12. Absolutely! Anyone can DM me as well if they want to chat (Apologies in advance for how long this is) Since last cycle I ended up maintaining a connection with a PI I interviewed with and was waitlisted for last year (obviously didn't end up getting in) and we have been working together on a research project. I cannot stress enough that if you end up getting waitlisted at schools you interview for and nothing else works out keep those connections and make it clear you are still very interested in their work/program and plan to re-apply for their lab next cycle if they accept a student again. Then mention briefly that you would love to collaborate on research with them should any opportunities be available. If they seem receptive to that, follow up a few months later and show you are truly interesting in that connection/opportunity. I also ended up getting really lucky and finding work on a study that is directly related to my research interests, so that gave me a tonnnn of really thorough and focused experience. This really helped me to be more refined in my interests and showed that I had experience in it and know that is what I want to work with. In this study I was also able to get extensive experience both with research and clinical work, as I conducted 100+ clinical interviews with participants. If you have any opportunities for research work that also allow you to integrate direct clinical work with your population, that is so helpful in showing you are a well rounded candidate for all the demands of these programs. Lastly it is allllll about connections. Immediately after finding out I wasn't getting in last cycle I spent months reviewing each and every program and each and every faculty member in every clinical phd program to find the best fits and build a list I could share with my colleagues in the field. I know networking it literally everyone's least favorite thing but it is SO important. I reached out to past and current colleagues/professors, colleagues of colleagues, and shared with them both my potential programs and POIs. From there I was able to form a few connections with faculty in the programs and I feel that gave me a HUGE leg up not only in having a connection but also being able to say I already spoke with someone in the program and have more info on it than just from the website and from that I am really interested in your program for xyz reasons (shows dedication and thorough interest). Hope this helps with trying to organize thoughts for your year in between cycles, though I hope it doesn't come to that for you Wishing everyone luck!
  13. First of all 100% in the same boat with having a hard time focusing/staying motivated at work right now. This process is so grueling and going through it during all the current contexts just makes everything so much more difficult and heavy. Everyone reading this please be gentle with yourself and practice what we hope to preach. Prioritize self care right now. I just want to chime in that if this is truly what you want to do, do not give up. I was in the same place this time last year during my second cycle. Truly feeling as though I could not bear this process again; emotionally, financially, all the things. A year later and I feel SO grateful that things didn't work out the way I had hoped/expected last cycle. On my third cycle now I feel so much better prepared (mentally, skills-wise, more focused on my goals for grad programs and beyond) and this year I have SO many more options on the table (4x as many invites for fully funded programs) including my top choice program I've been trying to get into for years. I know it is so hard in this moment, and backup plans just don't feel like they can stack up yet start to feel like the only option, but if you truly want to pursue this field in this way do not lose hope. If you have to reapply next year inquire about application fee waivers and other financial resources, this really helped me this year. It is easy to feel like life is flying by and that taking another year will be a "waste of a year" but that extra year can be so formative if you make it and can lead to even better opportunities the next cycle.
  14. I was someone who received an interview for GSU and I applied to the purely clinical track Hoping your theory is right and that you both receive invites!
  15. Thank you for sharing!! I've been wondering about this!
  16. Last year with the GRE included I only received 1 invite from a funded program (and it was a lesser known program). This year without the GRE I've received FOUR invites so far all to funded and well known programs. Screw the GRE ? My hope is that programs realize how useless it can be in determining who the best applicants truly are
  17. I did, however I'm unsure if she has sent all interviews at this point. Wishing you luck!
  18. Has anyone heard from Binghamton?
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