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Everything posted by BrownBunny87
Hi... Is anyone admitted to the Institute of Communications Research at U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign declining their admission and going somewhere else?? I was waitlisted.. and my future (as well as my daughter's future) hinges on someone declining their admission. I have a background in fine arts and film, so my entry into the communications / media game comes a bit left field. I don't know much about the reputation of different comm programs. Good luck to everyone else waiting, and deciding!
Did anyone here get into to UIC??
I am astounded that you’ve reduced Meleko’s work to BLM, when his work primarily addresses colonialism in South Africa and amending historical representation. I hope “diversity” in any cohort you end up in is helpful to your understanding that experiences of POC in the world are not so binary. wow.
Me too ?
Bumping this. It’s pretty messed up if universities took our money but were not fully transparent about much smaller acceptance rates of many students deferring or taking leave of absence. The UCLA app alone was $120 and extra writing prompts, only to hear through this forum that there are 2 spots available. I might follow up and call some of the schools I’ve applied to about this. Will let you guys know.
Just an email saying that an update has been made to my application, which linked to the rejection letter. Good luck!
Good luck! Please let me know if and when you guys hear from UC Davis! It’s one of my top choices. As well as U of Oregon or U Irvine. I was notified of rejection from UCSD this past Saturday, but my work (figurative painting) would not have been a very good fit bc they seem very conceptual leaning. Am I the only one who applied to U of Hawaii? Hehe it is not ranked high but the environment and strong Asian studies program would greatly inform my research.
I really appreciate that, thank you. ^THAT is the type of energy we should be seeing on this forum; circumstances are hard enough as it is and this community should be a space of support. I recently had to quit my soul crushing 9-5 job because of workplace safety during this pandemic, and admission to any of the programs I applied to will determine the path my family and I take in terms of my career and relocation. I wish you all of the best of luck in your education and art practice!!
I read UCLA doesn’t do interviews, they straight up let you in or reject you. I applied last year, the rejection email comes out in March.
Good luck! This is my second time applying, I cast a wider net this time.
Found this in last years forum, if it helps. Common Questions Visual Arts Applicants are Asked During an Interview How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene? Why do you want to go to XXXXX? Why do you want to go to grad school? Why now? What resources of this program will be the biggest benefit to your development as an artist? What is your work about? What are your influences? What for you constitutes a good work of art? What draws you to a piece of work? What motivates your work? Who are your main influences? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What do you think is a good critique of your work/bad critique? Why/how did you choose the people who wrote letters for you? How will you contribute to this program? What do you do for fun? What artists do you like? (you can have a list prepared) What artists who are no longer living influence you? What book are you reading right now? What do you think about it? What are you working on right now? Please explain this work (xxxx03.jpg) What is your favorite piece of art? Why? (Title, artist, year) Can you describe yourself, such as personal habit, etc. Do you get along well with others? What would you bring to a group dynamic ? What can you offer this program? Any special skills? What do you think is a good way of critiquing? a bad way? What other aspects of culture influence your work besides art/art history? How do you see yourself taking advantage of this school’s environment/program? What exhibition have you been to in the last year? What have you done since you’ve graduated? What contemporary artists are you into, and why? Tell us about the conceptual underpinnings of your work? Talk about your process. What do you think about *this essay*? (related to your work) How is your work related to *this movement*? Do you have any questions for us? What do you think about (artist, movement, subject/topic) What can't you stand? Why? What do you think about your own work? How do you want your work to develop? Why are you making the work you're making, and why do you want to keep doing it? Meaning behind your subject matter? So you've written a good amount about your practice in your statement...can you expand a little more? What was the last show you saw that had a profound effect on you? Ideas for Questions to Ask During Your Interview What's the degree of permeability between the department's different studio areas? What do the teaching assistantship duties generally consist of? Will I be assisting a professor, or will I be teaching my own class? Have recent alumni stayed in the area or ventured elsewhere? What is the grad student to faculty ratio? Ask for more information about particular courses in the curriculum. Other Tips Be able to speak about the professors work and why you are influenced by it. Write a follow up Thank you email within 48 hours after your interview.
Hey everyone I hope you are all staying safe. I am new to this forum but have been following for several years and this is my second round applying for an mfa in painting. I did a post Bac at MICA which really elevated my work, I definitely would not be where I am today without it. Last year I intended to apply only to Yale, which my professor who was recommending me (also a Yale alum) advised against. I ended up applying to SAIC and UCLA too, and getting rejected by all three. It was a bummer but I wasn’t too surprised because I didn’t put serious effort in my applications... scrambled to work on the artist statement from an airport actually. bc of quarantine I was able to invest more time and energy into to nailing my application efforts... I’ve applied to vcu, UCLA, u Oregon, uc Davis, u Irvine, ucsd and u Hawaii this time around. Now we all gotta play the waiting game. I’m wondering if there are other people here who are also in their early 30’s and have families (I became a mom this year) and what their experiences are. best of luck to everyone!