I'm sad to have to start thinking about backup plans, but it's possible for me that it is that time (still holding some hope but it's not looking great- applying clinical phd). Currently I'm in a psychometrist position so getting great clinical experience, but I know that my lack of research experience is going to be what's holding me back. I really only have 2 years of undergrad research experience, and 2 on-campus poster presentations are all that came out of it (no pubs, prof wasn't interested in publishing those years, unfortunately for me, as he'd just gotten promoted to the chair of the dept so was otherwise occupied). After graduation, I interviewed for 1 RA position, but ultimately didn't get it as the funding fell through, and with the pandemic I didn't feel I could afford to be picky in turning down the psychometrist position, despite research being what I want to do. Especially with apps for next cycle already due in less than 11 months (panic!) I really need to start looking now...How do ya'll go about getting paid research positions/where do you look?