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Everything posted by psychg

  1. Hi! I second this. Does anybody know if KG sent out invites? Haven't seen anything
  2. From American University? ?: "If you are receiving this email, I wanted to follow up with you regarding your application to our PhD Clinical Psychology program. I have spoken with the review faculty. At this stage, the majority of our interview invitations have been sent out. We expect the first round of decisions to go out in late February/early March. If you have not received an interview, we are keeping your file active in case the faculty decide to hold a second round. Around March 1, we will invite certain applicants to apply into the Master’s Program. I do not have updates for specific applicant files. Considering the current challenges with remote work due to the pandemic, our faculty are working as quickly as they can. We do appreciate your patience"
  3. I'm sad to have to start thinking about backup plans, but it's possible for me that it is that time (still holding some hope but it's not looking great- applying clinical phd). Currently I'm in a psychometrist position so getting great clinical experience, but I know that my lack of research experience is going to be what's holding me back. I really only have 2 years of undergrad research experience, and 2 on-campus poster presentations are all that came out of it (no pubs, prof wasn't interested in publishing those years, unfortunately for me, as he'd just gotten promoted to the chair of the dept so was otherwise occupied). After graduation, I interviewed for 1 RA position, but ultimately didn't get it as the funding fell through, and with the pandemic I didn't feel I could afford to be picky in turning down the psychometrist position, despite research being what I want to do. Especially with apps for next cycle already due in less than 11 months (panic!) I really need to start looking now...How do ya'll go about getting paid research positions/where do you look?
  4. Hi, somebody who posted on the results page a rejection email from American U.. did you just receive that this morning? From your PI or the department/generic? Sorry I guess I'm just skeptical of all results on there
  5. or PI: MT? Haven't seen anything for them either
  6. very sad. Thank you for the info!! Congrats to you if you got an interview!!!
  7. person in the results page said clinical
  8. I saw on the results page that somebody had reached out to TC Columbia admissions and got an email back saying that apps are still being reviewed and invites would start going out in Feb! There's still hope
  9. Hi everybody! I'm new here, this is my first app cycle. Wishing luck to you all! As for me.. still haven't heard back from a single school and losing my cool very quickly seeing other people post acceptances. I've seen some people mention some schools that I applied to won't be inviting people until the first week of feb for later feb/march interview dates. I haven't seen anybody mention UC Colorado springs or U of Arizona. Has anybody heard from either of these schools?
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