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Posts posted by abcdefh

  1. For those of you who were accepted, when was your interview? Also.. huge congratulations that’s awesome!!

    If you haven’t gotten an email yet - I applied last year and remember there being multiple batches of interview invitations so my gut tells me they are still going on just delayed!!

  2. 31 minutes ago, AB12 said:

    After months of not hearing back I just got waitlist for both I/S and J/I. I emailed the admission team on Sunday and today I got waitlisted. For those who have yet to hear back I suggest you email them. I applied to I/S with history and social science as teachables. Also applied to J/I with history as my teachable. 

    Hey, congrats! If you don't mind my asking, who did you email? I've emailed/called so many times and still nothing. I'm starting to get really worried!

  3. 2 hours ago, jay1238123 said:

    Hi! I'm just wondering how you check if you got into the MT program? I applied to both MACSE and MT and for some reason only MACSE shows up on my SGS. I'm just wondering how to check the status of my application for MT?

    I'm having the same problem. When I click on application details MT is there but under my second choice... maybe thats why?!

  4. 3 minutes ago, futureed20 said:

    Hey guys!

    So I called the admissions office yesterday to clarify this whole deposit thing. They told me that the deposit on ACORN was a glitch and to disregard it. They said even people who got rejected from the program received the deposit on their ACORN account and it literally means nothing. They also said they gave out letters of acceptances starting this past Monday and they will continue giving them out until March. I asked them if it mattered the order you get accepted. For instance I applied on the due date (Nov 15) but still didn't get accepted and if that meant anything. They said no. They basically said they view applications on a rolling basis. Whoever applied first they look at the application and decide and then make a decision. They don't look at all the applicants at the same time and then figure out who's better and who's worse. They said early acceptance also doesn't mean anything, it literally just means they saw other peoples application before seeing ours. So I guess thats a good sign for those of us who didn't hear anything! 

    Also, my Cumulative GPA is at a 3.67/4.33 and my last year GPA was a 3.98. I have over 8000 hours of experience that varies from tutoring, camp counselling, being a teachers assistance, volunteering at sick kids and charity events, babysitting and placement work. 

    I really hope we hear back soon, this waiting game is killing me!

    thank you SO much for this info! good luck! :)

  5. 39 minutes ago, cakebytheocean said:

    I'm a littlelate to the game haha but I got an email today about an interview next week for the MA CSE program 

    congrats!!! what time did they email you? good luck with the interview


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