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  1. Yeah, I'm an international applicant too ?.
  2. Thanks so much for posting this, it's super informative! From the looks of it, a couple of STEP applicants have received (unofficial) letters of acceptance in the last two days. Starting to get kinda nervous now, haha. Best of luck to everyone in this forum and let's hope for all the best!
  3. EDS applicant here as well??! I haven't been contacted for interviews yet but I assumed it was an optional part of the applications process... So I'm just waiting patiently for the results to come out ? I guess we have less than a week or so! A couple of days ago, I did receive an email from the admissions office (which was in response to the email I sent them more than a month ago regarding issues I had with TOEFL submission and IT system glitches), and they told me that MS EDS applications were forwarded for review in mid-Jan and that review is still underway. I was told that I would be notified of the results via email around early March. Hope this piece of info helps ?
  4. I applied to a masters in EDS and yeah, it does seem odd that I haven't come across that many users on this forum who've applied to this program. But given how competitive admissions is (in general) this year and the Program's unique focus on data analysis, I have no doubt that there's a lot of applicants out there who are interested in this field of study. As an applicant who's trying to pivot into Education (degree-wise, I come from a non-Education background and in terms of my professional background, I don't have experience in teaching either... and strictly speaking, I haven't been in professions that make solid use of data analysis in my day-to-day job...), I'm quite anxious as to how the admissions committee will evaluate my applications, but I've decided to give myself a pat on the back for the effort I've put into this work and practice self-love , which has helped me get through constant anxiety and fear that I've been struggling to keep under control for weeks now I know it's hard to maintain composure when you hear that others have been contacted by their POIs or have been invited to interviews, but please try not to beat yourself up. You've given it your best shot and you should give yourself more credit for mustering the courage to send in your applications!
  5. Hi, Jeanne. Can you share with us the link where we can check these graduate student profiles?
  6. @ngdt oh wow, I really didn't expect it to be this competitive! Well, good luck to both of us and all other applicants out there !
  7. @crocophil thanks for the info! I must have missed this comment in the results page @Jeanne A. @crocophil Well, my Application Status says it's "Complete" but with regards to my TOEFL score it says that its "Not applicable" which makes it all the more confusing, because as an international applicant, TOEFL was a mandatory part of my applications! My TOEFL status hasn't changed since then, but given that it's the busiest time for the Admissions Team, I'll just wait and see, and just check my status update on a regular basis.
  8. Hi, has anyone applied to Stanford GSE's Education Data Science Program? I haven't heard of anyone who's applied to this program thus far and since it's the first year that they're admitting new students, I really don't know what to expect during the admissions process! Oh, and regarding TOEFL submissions, mine says its "not applicable." I received an email from GSE admissions a few weeks back, telling me that they couldn't find my TOEFL score report. I sent them a test taker's copy of the score following their request, but they haven't confirmed yet. I sent them an email just to follow up, but they've been non-responsive for a month now... Because they said that they'd reach out if there were additional actions that needed to be taken on my part, I'm guessing that there's no need to worry about my test scores, at least for now
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