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Everything posted by waltzier97
Anyone out there waiting to hear from Notre Dame? I’ve only seen a master’s decision on the results page.
Ooof, sorry to hear this in a particular way.
Gotcha. Good luck on your BU results! Fingers crossed that your successes keep coming too!!!
Yes, in systematics as well—I’m hoping I’m quietly on the waitlist as I know of people already rejected and accepted. Are you waiting for PTS/BU then?
Sorry to hear—how are you doing?
Yeahhhh, I might prefer clarity at this point, but here we are. Good luck to you too!
I'm waiting to hear back from BC! Interviewed in January but still haven't heard anything but I know a few different people have heard *something*... I can't tell if the silence is preferable to a rejection tho!
@sorenerasmus hang in there. I don't have any advice, but I believe in you to figure out a proper course of action. Seems like the advice given sounds pretty accurate from what little I know on the topic! I'm currently working through something similar as BC is throwing down a full scholarship at me with a 10K GA for the year. I was feeling good about that until Villanova dangled the possibility of working with a specific scholar in their program for a full stipend, which would adjust my offer from a full scholarship with 8K GA for two years, to possible 17K GA per year... not really sure how/what to do with all of this as BC is my top choice, but the Villanova offer is pretty sweet if I could get it. Anyway, all of this to say that I'm in a slightly similar situation, and I'll have you in mind!
Congrats to all those getting accepts out there! Sending my accompanying love to those not getting yeses. Lmk if anyone needs a pal to chat with about this! News for me: Villanova has offered a full scholarship and $8K stipend per year! Still waiting on BC GA updates (would be full tuition and a $10K stipend. I was also offered a contract to teach at my current school next year! I think Boston is my number one, but I would really like the money of a GA to make it competitive with the Villanova offer. Any thoughts about these programs outside of money?
@theofan If your friend hasn't heard back they probably will verrrry soon. I was rejected at ND this afternoon, so I imagine it's about that time. So it goes. I'll finish the application season going 3/4!
Congrats! What a great call to receive!!!!
I've just been searching Notre Dame in order to see what if any news is coming out of the Dome.
But I did just see in the results search that someone was waitlisted by ND today, so maybe a more clear image is developing. Still nothing on my end...
I'm also waiting to hear back.... nothing so far.
Good news! Accepted into Fordham's MA in theology program.... not much money, but I wasn't expecting any at all. Any other results out there!?
I hear you on the plethora of study interests, and it has made me wary of applying because I thought my interests were too broad. It sounds like you have great interests, and they have at least a thread (haha) of connection. Maybe the thing to do in your next studies is to work out what your umbrella is and go about figuring out what stays close to you via your umbrella of thought. I think women's religious life offers an interesting sense to talk about vestments and attire, and maybe even how women's orders connect to ordained life via clothing. As for languages, I'm not sure what I'll do. I love Spanish and would enjoy fluency, but a French or German would be great too. A professor once explained that she thought of it less of a "I need to know these exact languages" situation and more of a "here's what I want to study, what language tools will get me there?" sort of thing.
Thank you! I'm not sure yet. I think I would prefer BC, but I'm not quite sure how to swing the living expenses just yet... we will have to see there. I imagine Villanova won't be terribly different, but will likely be a smidge cheaper. ATM waiting to hear from ND, as that will make clear, or make more difficult the decision process.
Glad so many people are talking here! Today was a big day for me! Villanova: Accepted to the MTS education track, and they will have funding info around March. BC: Accepted, 100% scholarship!!!!!!! I'm over the moon right now. I appreciate also the convo on housing situations. I'm not sure what I would do in Boston. I'm getting married in June, then packing up and moving somewhere, so we will need something cheap!
We'll be waiting out Notre Dame together then! Have you heard anything yet from anywhere? I'm also hoping to go PhD route after this. Hopefully there is space for you despite age and the like. I have a professor who was about 35-40 when he landed a PhD program at ND, and now he's a department director.
What's your program for this interview?
Hi everyone! This is my first post as I just yesterday discovered the cafe. I am applying to MTS programs for the first time this year, and I don't really know what to expect, but here's where I'm at: Four applications turned in: Notre Dame (Jan 15), Boston College (Jan 15), Villanova (Feb 1), Fordham (April 1? then rolling) I think I have strong writing and recs Double major from small Jesuit undergrad in religious studies and English; 3.98 GPA (A- in calc II first year when I thought I wanted to major in math) Been teaching theology in a high school this year Updates: BC interviewed me as a required piece of the app last week. That afternoon they emailed to set up an interview/discussion with the GA coordinator/dean, which is set for Feb. 9. Haven't heard anything from anywhere else yet. ND says decisions start rolling at the end of the month, BC says middle of the month, and no idea on the others. What do you all think? What about the GA interview? Am I just needing to talk so I can wait a few more weeks? Maybe.