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Everything posted by Polisci-IR

  1. Any updates so far? I was waitlisted, not sure will ever be offered admission.
  2. 10 more days to go ))
  3. I also heard of that deadline. Current students told me funding prospects is not that good at SAIS, plus they are admitting only 6 students this year, I guess.
  4. Does anyone in this threat applied to Kennedy School or SAIS PhD? No updates from these two programs.
  5. I think they will publish their result on March 26.
  6. +1. Should we create a separate thread for SAIS PhD?
  7. Department of Government perhaps February 24/last week of February.
  8. Thank you so much for sympathy and support. It's really doesn't make any sense, and yes I already provided them all the evidences. Will see what they come up with on Monday. Would it be possible to share the email address of your friend? I could ask him how did he dealt with this?
  9. Seeking advice, if possible. I never received any notification from OSU, today I reached out to the department and (shockingly) this is the reply I received: "I just asked our program coordinator about your file, and apparently it was not reviewed by our panel because it was Incomplete due to the absence of official transcripts. I’m very sorry about this, and wish I had better news for you. I wish you all the best in your graduate studies." When I replied with evidence that I have submitted official transcripts: "Thank you for this information. I will check with the graduate school administration to try to understand the reasons for this error. In the meantime, I apologize that the admissions system did not work." Does anyone have similar experiences? Any advice on what should I do with this? It looks they screwed up! Thanks.
  10. I see, but it says Political Science, nobody claimed SAIS though.
  11. As far as I know (and talked couple of applicants I know personally), SAIS didn't published any result yet. They are currently reviewing the application but couldn't get the information when they will send the decision. The information we see on the result page is John Hopkins Political Science, which is different from SAIS. Let's us know if you know anything precisely about SAIS.
  12. Hi there, I also applied to SAIS but didn't hear anything yet. May I ask where did you saw people getting accepted. I do not see any update on the result page!
  13. Right, no history for SAIS though!
  14. Portal history for Political Science dept. or SAIS ? I thought it's for Political Science Dept.
  15. Does anyone apply to John Hopkins SAIS? Any update so far?
  16. Similar issue with Ohio State and UChicago, didn't get any notification yet from them as well. Any idea what they are known for? Silent means rejection or what?
  17. Make sense, thanks!
  18. I feel relived to know that! Just to make sure, even without a GRE score you got acceptance from UCLA and Chicago? I tend to think UChicago program is heavily quant focus, therefore they prefer candidate with strong quant background.
  19. What is their benefit? What they aim to get out of it? I just do not understand why would they confuse us in this tensed time!
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