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Everything posted by peculiarindividual

  1. despite having no evidence, I choose to wholeheartedly believe this claim so I can go back to doing homework. bless you mountain king
  2. Boy if Yale don’t hurry up
  3. Wow, I could have written this word for word
  4. Wow, that does suck! Take what I say with a grain of salt, but I don’t reckon there’s much they will actually be willing/able to do to budge on this even if it was their fault, assuming they’ve already decided who to accept. It’s just a crummy situation overall and I’m sorry that happened. Definitely no harm in continuing to [politely] advocate for yourself just in case though. But from the sounds of it I don’t think they’ll be able to do anything to make up for it /:
  5. No definitely that’s true compared to where I’m at (NorCal/Valley), it kind of varies and admittedly there’s segregation everywhere (I’m from the South, believe me they are great at gerrymandering there and don’t attempt to hide it). I think culturally it’s just been far more different than I expected it to be when I moved out here. Like I’ve appreciated seeing a greater diversity of other minorities (we had like 5 Asians at my high school for instance), that’s definitely made me a better and more educated person as far as understanding different people better. But for instance the city I was born in is 40% Black. While we have more overt racism down there IME, the subtle racism out here (some of it possibly due to less exposure to Black people) has been tougher for me. In any case, it’s also more liberal out here which, generally speaking, makes it a lot easier to comfortably be yourself as a Black person (e.g. hair discrimination is more unacceptable here than back home). It’s a mixed bag; I think maybe if I’d spent my time here in the Bay instead of the Valley I might have liked the former more. Great music tho!
  6. No disrespect taken! I was mostly saying that in jest friend but I’m glad you love your city. Personally not for me and I have nothing but respect for my mentors many of whom are alumni. That said, it’s definitely not for me. I think — being Black —I’m just sick of the west coast. It’s lonely as hell here, whenever people talk about diversity out here they mean “except for black people”, which has just been rough.
  7. Overpriced garbage town, stipend probably doesn’t even pay rent anyway? Congrats to everyone who got in though, send em my regards ✊?
  8. I wish they would actually use these portals to indicate anything. Why the hell is there a portal just to tell me what I already know ?
  9. It feels like some sort of lightweight frat hazing ritual where they’re punishing us because they went through it too lmao. I’m not believing nothing until I see someone who seems real/not trolling say it on Twitter ?.
  10. Ahh shoot, okay. Well thanks for the update! Guess I’m accepting that bougie-league offer sooner than anticipated ?
  11. Anyone from American Politics subfield get into Berkeley or Michigan/PhD? I got an acceptance at an Ivy for AP as well as one from my alma but no word from these two or the other Ivy yet. I’m definitely just happy to have gotten the options I have, neither of which I expected to get into at all. But since I’m just seeing CP/IR for Berkeley in wondering if they’re still working on AP or accepting fewer students from that subfield potentially. Congrats to everyone who got in and Godspeed otherwise! Don’t let the rejections defeat you, it’s a shite year friends
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