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  1. Is it totally inappropriate to say I feel like I might puke. Thanks for the update though. It helps
  2. Is it still silent for you?
  3. I was waiting on a call from them since CB weekend and was informed by others that all offers most likely went out and at least one person was waitlisted. I figure I’d help someone else who was waiting at least know what was going on ya know
  4. Seems like UCSD has sent out offers and started waitlisting people.
  5. I feel you. Deeply lol
  6. As in only 3 end of days or 3 callbacks after end of days? I got an end of day but I haven’t heard any thing from them but heard of at least one person having a callback after end of day I believe
  7. Not yet. It could be early March before any communications are sent. I haven’t heard anything from anyone who auditioned.
  8. Hey, I’m there too!
  9. They sent out letters earlier today I believe. I know of one person who made it. I didn’t unfortunately
  10. Haha yes just the initial! They have a looong audition process.
  11. Hello all, I’ve been a lurker. This page has been helpful for me in past years. This is my second audition cycle and am 3/4 so far compared to 0/2 (Yale/Brown) last year. It’s been a welcome surprise. I auditioned for UCI, USD, UCSD, and Case Western. I got an initial callback for Case but no final callback email after sending in an video after my audition :/ Trying not to lose hope. Things move so quickly and slowly at the same time. Have a UCSD callback coming up and am now finished with USD callback, waiting for UCI. The finger crossing begins.
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