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Everything posted by Greel
hello friends! Just an update that I officially accepted my VCU offer a few days ago. After weighing options and existing in a horrible liminal space of decision making, I feel really excited about my choice and am really looking forward to getting to know Richmond. If anyone else is going to VCU I'd love to connect
Just my two cents-- but I did a ton of copywriting after I graduated which then gradually shifted into PR. I did write alot, as I was promised by well meaning advice givers in my family, but it was all marketing copy/bylines & I absolutely hated PR. I have so much more brainspace for my own writing when I'm working jobs that are totally unrelated-- I got a lot done when I quit and worked at a factory packing candles into boxes lol! But it definitely is a choice I've made that has influenced how much $$ I make and my level of comfort in other parts of my life. TLDR-- you can write a ton in a nonwriting related field, or write very little in a field seemingly more connected....Or you may not find this to be true. It ultimately depends on how you personally work best, ya know! Also-- @Cecsav, library life sounds so nice!!!
Thanks feralgrad, funfettuccine! This is super helpful. I'm choosing between two fully-funded programs that are around the 13,000 mark in funding for 9 months. I know often there are other fellowships/funding avenues available or become available during the course of the MFA. I guess my main concern is going the 'I'd love to come here but can't without more funding" route and they say '"sorry but nope"-- would that put me in a bad position within the program if I were to eventually accept?
Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows anything about negotiating more funding? I've heard its possible, but also that it matters the way in which you approach it with the school. Any tidbits of advice?
Hey Koechophe! First of all-- I think you're correct that this year has been absolutely a shit show in terms of the massive amount of applications schools have received. That sucks!!! Like I wonder if schools I got rejected from would have had a different outcome during another year as well. Secondly, this is my first app cycle and I probably am not really qualified to offer advice but I graduated in 2018 and was super set on applying to MFAs right out of college. One of the cw professors I was very close with encouraged me to wait. Not because my writing was bad or she thought I would be rejected but because the time in an MFA is such a gift and its a hard thing to really understand going from undergrad straight into it. She was basically like go out and live a little, write a bit, and apply again when it feels so urgent that you can't wait another year. I think my writing matured because I did. A bit of it was trying to write every day but a lot of it was reading books I discovered, seeing movies, dating and breaking up, working terrible and great jobs... etc. You've got so much life left to live, and I know it feels really shitty right now. But if you apply again next year, I think your application will be stronger just by the fact that you'll have a slightly different perspective that only time gives, you know? Also, I joined a writers group in my city after I graduated and found it a really great experience. I think honestly, you must have had a really great app to be on WLs in the first place!! I'm rambling, and hope I'm not offering too much unsolicited advice. But I really do think you've got a lot to be proud of this cycle, and a lot of good things coming your way this year.
Hey! I'm also a first time applicant so please take my advice with a grain of salt. I reached out with thank you emails and let the school that was my top choice know that I was really interested in the program and that they were a top choice for me. I also asked if they might connect me with any current students with whom I could discuss the program. The email I got came from a prof personally so not sure about that aspect, but they were really nice and put me in touch with some students... I think as long as you're not pestering every couple days about WL movement, its totally fine to reach out with queries you have.
UVA rejection in email just now. Let me know formal rejection was coming later from the university. Bummer they were my secret top choice.... but as a mostly cnf writer who writes a bit of fiction as well it's likely not the best spot for me. My options now are VCU or University of Kentucky and then I'm on Oregon State and Idaho waitlists.... time will tell I guess! Big hugs to everyone hearing tough news today. ❤️
Congrats!!! I've been in touch with one of the CNF profs there (I'm also on the WL), the program sounds amazing. Prof I've been speaking to said he "continues to feel confident about my chances" so we'll see!!! Maybe we'll see eachother on campus in the fall!
I’m funnily enough in the exact same boat as you re: 2 acceptances- 1 w waitlist funding and then 2 waitlists... I want to be as considerate as possible to those in a similar position to me on waitlists, but also don’t want to turn down offers too hastily. if anyone has any advice here I would also welcome it!
I can definitely ask! Not sure if they’ll tell me, but no harm in asking Panglosian, sorry I forgot are you fiction or poetry?
I heard from VCU on Monday. Not sure if they’re done notifying or not. I have a call with them coming up so I can ask!
does anyone know anything about University of New Mexico? Saw some acceptances via results, but haven't heard anything from them.
Hi! Congratulations! I also just got an offer w/ GTA for cnf at VCU. I'm still considering options/waitlists but I'm so thrilled to hear from them!! An exciting day! Glad you got some good news after a difficult few weeks.
Also wondering about FSU!!!
Iowa CNF rejection today! VERY SAD!!! Woof! But also was a nice email letting me know I didn't make it.....almost too nice. "I wish we were able to offer you a place in our program in the fall, but I do hope you will take this less as a reflection on your work than on the very tough competition that existed this year, which forced us to have to make some heartbreaking choices." Almost hurts more that they were so nice about it. But onwards and upwards! I'm choosing to feel good energy about the rest of my application season! Bring it on!! Best wishes to everyone hearing tough news this week. ❤️ Big hugs
I haven't! Looks beautiful though. And my parents live in rural Maine so I'm used to the small town life
Hi all! Was nervously lurking, but figured I should at least join in to commiserate. Received an email from University of Idaho (CNF concentration) today saying I'm high on waitlist & to schedule a call to chat about the program. Overjoyed to be waitlisted honestly-- I'm a first time applicant and was expecting to be wholesale rejected this year. Wondering if FSU has already notified people? I saw via results that they'd called Creative Writing PhDs but didn't see about MFAs, but someone earlier mentioned they figured they were already out of the running since they hadn't heard? Anyway, hello everyone! Hope we can all take a deep breath together haha. (0A, 1W, 0R, 7P)