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Posts posted by blue_roses

  1. On 2/23/2021 at 2:17 AM, eastafricanhopeful said:

    Thanks so much for replying...at least now I can manage my expectations.  

    Congrats on getting shortlisted also! That's no mean feat.  Did they tell you when they would be getting back to you with a final result?

    Thank you! They informally got back to me a few days after my interview to let me know that they would be giving me an offer of place and would be nominating me for funding. However, I don't think that this is typical, but my potential supervisors wanted me to restructure and add to some of my arguments in the proposal before it was sent to the scholarship panel. I think I just got really lucky that they were willing to provide some feedback in this late stage to up my chances. However, it's been a couple weeks since this happened and I haven't received any formal communication, my application still says "under review by the department." 

    I'm not sure when I'll hear the results on funding (from other online chat rooms I'm thinking late March). Again, I think it's not super common to hear back right now, so don't give up hope & good luck!! :) 

  2. I'm not sure if this is helpful, but I've applied at LSE for an MPhil/PhD program in the social sciences. The program I applied to is eligible ESRC funding and internal studentship funding. I didn't reach out to potential supervisor before I sent in my application, but I did interview with a couple professors early in February who were chosen to be my potential supervisors. I think it may help to reach out to potential supervisors to get feedback on your application/ proposal, but I don't think it will make or break your chances of receiving funding! 

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