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Everything posted by kwemo

  1. Thank you! Yeah I totally agree. I feel great about moving forward with MCAD. I emailed Jesse McLean about a week ago asking where they were in the process. She then emailed me back informing me of the rejection. I'm sure you could email her to get a decision sooner rather than later.
  2. So, here's the final tally. George Washington U (Fine Arts) - Rejected w/ no interview U of Kansas (Expanded Media) - Rejected w/ no interview U of W Milwaukee (Cinematic Arts) - Rejected w/ no interview RISD (Digital + Media) - Rejected w/ no interview U of M Ann Arbor (Art) - Rejected w/ no interview (though kind words followed) U of W Madison (4-D Video & Performance) - Rejected after interview MCAD (Visual Studies) - Accepted(!) w/ no interview (2/3rd tuition covered w/ merit scholarship) VCU (Kinetic Imaging) - No word so assumed rejection Needless to say, I'm extremely grateful but a little disheartened. On one hand, as a self taught artist who studied art history and theory in their own unguided way, its fulfilling to take such a large step to what I believe to be my path and to be going to a school (MCAD) that I feel is an excellent fit for me. On the other hand, I'd be lying if I said this was a perfect situation. I'd like more of a choice and despite my feelings about the school, it was my only acceptance and it seems the general consensus in the world I don't know much about is that it's not the most competitive program. But with all this being said, I'm very excited to be going to MCAD. It's been fun and stress-relieving to have this forum as support and information. Thank you to everyone posting their thoughts, feelings, words of wisdom, and their success! I'm happy for all of you and those who posted their work, it's all very exciting and you're super talented. Here's my website and Instagram. I'd love to keep up with any of you and your work so if you post your Instagram around in the forum I'll be sure to give you a follow. ericdbutler.com @ericedanielbutler
  3. Do you know why he regrets it? Is it more so that SAIC is a more elite school or is the MFA program at MCAD underwhelming?
  4. Hey! Nice to see good talent coming out of Orlando! It feels good to see someone else coming out of the same community.
  5. Hey all, been lurking and learning a lot from everyone posting here so thank you everyone. Here's an update to my journey through this process. George Washington U (Fine Arts) - Rejected w/ no interview U of Kansas (Expanded Media) - Rejected w/ no interview U of W Milwaukee (Cinematic Arts) - Waiting RISD (Digital + Media) - Waiting U of M Ann Arbor (Art) - Waiting U of W Madison (4-D Video & Performance) - Rejected after interview MCAD (Visual Studies) - Accepted(!) w/ no interview VCU (Kinetic Imaging) - Waiting So does anyone have any first or second hand stories/knowledge about MCAD's MFA? It looks like a really good fit in terms of what I'm looking for (that's why I applied) but I'm worried about funding. I still have to see what they will offer but I don't care for graduating with 100k debt from a non-name brand school.
  6. I'm waiting for VCU Kinetic as well. Haven't heard anything from them.
  7. I'm in the camp of thinking that unnecessary emails wouldn't do anything for me if I was in their situation. Of course say thank you at the end of your interview but another email during a busy time that doesn't have any new information might be too much. That's just my opinion and I'm sure the various people interviewing you might have differing thoughts on the subject.
  8. So happy to find this forum! I've been having a not so fun time with all this stuff. Here's how it's going so far. George Washington U (Fine Arts) - Waiting U of Kansas (Expanded Media) - Waiting U of W Milwaukee (Cinematic Arts) - Waiting RISD (Digital + Media) - Waiting U of M Ann Arbor (Art) - Waiting U of W Madison (4-D Video & Performance) - Interviewed but rejected MCAD (Visual Studies) - Waiting VCU (Kinetic Imaging) - Waiting Really hoping for decisions soon. It's hard to be stuck in the middle of a big project with this stuff weighing on your mind, every notification on your phone feeling like it could be that one good email. But best of luck to you all!
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